Optibot uses Bidder as a main interface for participants of the auction. There is a main implementation of the Bidder interface: SingleStrategyBidder.
SingleStrategyBidder requires strategy to be passed as a constructor parameter. If not set it uses random bid strategy.
All strategies implement BidStrategy interface. There are 6 bid strategies implemented:
- Zero bid strategy - place 0 bid regardless of conditions.
- Random bid strategy - place random bid bounded by the remaining cash.
- Constant bid strategy - place bid by calculating remaining cash divided by remaining rounds.
- Median bid strategy - find the median amongst all recorded winning bids.
- Average bid strategy - find the average amongst all recorded winning bids.
- Advanced bid strategy - if bidder's quantity or remaining cash is greater than opponent's then use average bid strategy. Use random bid strategy otherwise.
Since the strategies are stateless they are instantiated in BidStrategyHolder.
All bids are normalized in StrategyBidder, if the calculated bid is more than remaining cash, then remaining cash amount is returned.
In order to use strategy module as a library it is necessary to build it using Maven.
Run command mvn clean install
After that it is possible to add the module as a dependency.
In order to use SingleStrategyBidder with advanced strategy simply create it using constructor.
Bidder bidder = new SingleStrategyBidder(BidStrategyHolder.ADVANCED_STRATEGY.getStrategy());