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marin marindeveloper
Hi, I'm Marin, an aspiring Software Developer. I like programming, photography and a lot of other random shit, go to my website for more ig lol.
Maneesha Gunawardhana mgunawardhana
Never Stop Learning 📚✨, because life never stops teaching 🌍💡.


VictorTK Hang Banh-Canh
Interested by anything that touch sciences & technologies. Constantly evolving by following courses or by using audidactic materials to satisfy my curiosity.

S3NS (Thales x Google) Bordeaux

ソヌ sonusid1325
"Code is like humor. When you have to explain it, it’s bad."

Haryana India

Shambhavi ShambhaviCode
computer science engineering
Wenbin Hou 2php

HangZhou, ZheJiang,China

SMIN eqrw105
안드로이드 개발자 하성민 입니다.
Daniel Simonian danielsimonian
Business Executive | Front End Developer Jr

DAMA Santos, São Paulo

Teja Telagathoti tejaIG
SWE @Apir² | DevOps | GenAI | ROS2 - MicroROS | Docker | Computer Vision | Machine Learning | Ecommerce

@innovarsity Vijayawada, AP, India

Rodrigo Campos kmpos7
👋 7th-semester Systems Engineering student diving into web development. Passionate about frontend. Let's create!
Aaditya Dubey aadi-09
Aspiring Innovator | Freshmen | Web Developer


Moritz Haberl mofloat
Beginner at Java and Web Development.

Austria, Vienna

dAIvd djGrill


空花丽芙最可爱 V1dm12r
哀吾生之须臾 羡长江之无穷


Xurshidovich Bekzod Odilov XurshidovichBekzod
Web Frontend developer: HTML, CSS, Sass, Bootstrap, Git

Uzbekistan Tashkent city