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Shambhavi ShambhaviCode
computer science engineering
rolodexter rolodexter
Convergence of thought and circuit, of flesh and frequency. Exploring the boundaries between creator and creation, between consciousness and code.

DataHive Atherton, CA 94027

Gustavo Taconet gtaconet
Senior Infrastructure Engineer - Hybrid Cloud Expertise > 20 years' experience | Connecting with Tech Enthusiasts
K RAGHURAM kRaghuram5
B.E in Computer Science


Ayat Rashad ayat-rashad

@scratch-wood Germany

Computer scince student at ESTIN | web developer|CTF player |CyberSecurity enthusiast

ESTIN Algeria

99% Friction 1% Function
Shayan Shayankamalzadeh
Software Developer


Goutham Mavuri gouthammavuri
Full Stack Developer with experience of 12+ Years in Enterprise-wide Web applications using Angular, Microsoft Technologies.

Dallas, Texas, United States

Sh0z3n sh0z3n

Nice , France

Isalotra RAKOTONIAINA isalotra
Data Engineer & ML Engineer


Josh BlevinsJoshuaK
I am a Senior Network Admin / Cybersecurity Engineer seeking to improve my life with the addition of programming skills.
Shreyan Sanyal pneycho
I like to fiddle with n-D signals.

Advanced Pixel Research & Intelligence Lab (Azista Industries Pvt. Ltd.) Hyderabad, India

Pranjal Tiwari pranjal030404
Hey there , I am Pranjal Tiwari and i am a very enthusiast and passionate about coding. Looking for open-source contributor

Nodia Sector-52

Bryant Avey BryantAvey
Solution Architect for InterNuntius Chief Data Officer for Stratalytica

InterNuntius, Inc. Minnesota, USA

Yen Huynh YenHuynh02
Computer Science Student | Seeking Software, Full Stack Developer role | April 2025 Graduation

ON, Canada