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Work thiagovictorino
PHP Expert, Typescript enthusiast, VueJS lover

Victorino Software LLC Joinville/SC Brazil

Nguyen Cao Cuong - Peter James caocuong2404
If you don't program yourself, life will program you! Find on @google: CaoCuong2404

@microsoft @facebook @apache @vuejs @freeCodeCamp @vercel @angular @rust-lang @kubernetes @apple @twbs @golang @Netflix @flutter @nodejs @elastic @openai @laravel @spring-projects @aws @Azure @electron @ant-design @ohmyzsh @ReactiveX @ethereum @pytorch Da Nang, Viet Nam

pandaLIU PandaLIU-1111

@hyperf @kkguan @dtm-php 深圳

green shren207

@CallbusLab Seoul, Republic of Korea

Zespre Chang starbops
Automate the hardest part

@SUSE Taipei, Taiwan

LeeHuan mirthfulLee
A student majoring in software engineering at ZJU.
AIKm, AI 知識管理學會 AI-KM
AIKm, the Machine Learning Institute for Enterprise Knowledge Management, aims to serve as a pivotal hub for facilitating the application of machine learning te
Neil Kuan neilkuan
Welcome, Say hi. Buy a Coffee for me. ☕️


Guan Tianhao ggbdpq
二次元 | 技术宅 | 我的幸运数字是7

DongGuan University of Technology Guangzhou, China

Tom Brow square-tomb
iOS Foundation at @square. This is my work account; personal is @brow.


Alex Meléndez jalexmelendez
Dangus co-founder


Arielle Soomi Yoo asmyoo
I am a PhD Student at UC Davis under Prof. Ilias Tagkopoulos. Currently, I am interested in machine learning and applying it to health data

University of California, Davis

Tristan NGUYEN manolaz
Emerging techs enthusiast.


Andrei Taylor andreirtaylor
Software Engineer @AdaSupport

@AdaSupport Toronto, ON

Davide thekage91

Sprint Studio Milano

φanke ZS912719
International student from China, currently enrolled in the Computer Science department at University of Nice Côte d'Azur.

Université côte d'Azur

Adam Dennis adamwdennis

@wonderschool Halifax, NS, Canada

Joe Montano JoeLorenzoMontano
A programmer and entrepreneur by day.... Mad scientist by night

JoLoMo Software McMinnville OR

Matt Galligan galligan
Co-founder of @xmtp-labs, contributing to @xmtp

@xmtp-labs Pennsylvania

Ronald Luitwieler orangewise

orangewise Haarlem, the Netherlands

Emirhan Ese emirhanese

Marmara University İstanbul, TR

Abilash Senthilkumar abilashsenth
❤ BUIDLing AI, Web, Mobile, 3D & Blockchain experiences.
