Kiln provides utilities and conventions for maintaining the source to build and release ".pivotal" files.
The shell script examples use kiln 0.85.0, yq 4.34.1, and curl 7.88.1.
Some parts of this page are also documented in This guide intends to be more opinionated while the is more general.
- Authoring Product Template Parts
- Managing BOSH Release Tarballs
- Kilnfile BOSH Release Specification and Locking
- Sources
- GitHub releases <- Please use this for BOSH Release tarballs
- Build Artifactory <- Please use this for compiled BOSH Release tarballs
- AWS S3
- Local Files
- Sources
- BOSH release compilation
- Kilnfile BOSH Release Specification and Locking
- Stemcell Version Management
- Tile release note Generation
- TanzuNet Release Publication
- Importing Go Source Code
Again, see hello-tile (non-VMware employees) or the TAS repo (VMware employees) for tile source code that kiln "just works" with.
The following code bootstraps Product template parts from an empty directory working tile; it creates conventional defaults to start/standardize your tile authorship journey with Kiln. It does not generate source for a working tile.
# Make directories and keep them around
mkdir -p bosh_variables forms instance_groups jobs migrations properties releases runtime_configs
touch {bosh_variables,forms,instance_groups,jobs,migrations,properties,releases,runtime_configs}/.gitkeep
# Add a tile image
curl -L -o icon.png ""
# Add a version file (this is the default location Kiln reads from)
echo '0.1.0' > 'version'
# Create a "base.yml" with some minimal fields
# See documentation here: ``
cat << EOF > base.yml
name: my-tile-name
label: ""
description: ""
icon_image: $( icon )
metadata_version: "3.0.0"
minimum_version_for_upgrade: 0.0.0
product_version: $( version )
- name: hello
version: $( version )
rank: 1
serial: false
releases: []
stemcell_criteria: []
job_types: []
runtime_configs: []
property_blueprints: []
form_types: []
Create a kiln init
command that actually makes a working tile.
A tile is a zip file with a ".pivotal" suffix.
The zip file must have a YAML file in the metadata
subdirectory of the tile.
The file specification is documented in the Property and Template References page in the Ops Manager Tile Developer Guide.
While you can write your entire Product Template in a single file, breaking up metadata parts into different yaml files and directories makes it easier to find configuration. Kiln expects certain directories to contain Product Template (metadata) parts.
should contain YAML files that have form_types./instance_groups
should contain YAML files that have job_types./jobs
should contain YAML files that have job templates and may contain a job mainfest./migrations
should contain Javascript files that are migrations (TODO add link to specification)./properties
should contain YAML files that have property-blueprints./releases
should be an empty directory (maybe containing .gitkeep) and will be where Kiln writes BOSH Release Tarballs./runtime_configs
should contain YAML files that have runtime configs
Also add the following files
should be the entrypoint for the manifest template.version
should contain the tile versionicon.png
should be the tile image
While you can use other directory and filenames and pas those to Kiln, you would have a better experience if you follow the above naming conventions.
Each product template part has a "name" field.
When you kiln bake
, the contents of base.yml
go through a few templating steps.
One of those steps exposes the following functions.
These functions will read, interpolate, and format metadata parts for use in your tile's metadata.yml.
You can reference the part in base.yml by using the following template functions:
reads, interpolates, and formats a product template part from./bosh_variables
reads, interpolates, and formats a product template part from./forms
reads, interpolates, and formats a product template part from./properties
reads, interpolates, and formats a BOSH release data from either the./releases
directory or the Kilnfile.lockstemcell
reads, interpolates, and formats a Stemcell Criteria data from the Kilnfile.lockversion
returns the contents of the./version
finds the named variables from either a--variables-file
returns the base64 encoded content oficon.png
reads, interpolates, and formats a product template part from./instance_groups
reads, interpolates, and formats a product template part from./jobs
reads, interpolates, and formats a product template part from./runtime_configs
Other functions:
TODO function documentationselect
TODO function documentationregexReplaceAll
TODO function documentation
See the releen/hello-tile/base.yml for some use of the above functions.
The property definition in releen/hello-tile/properties/hello.yml
in referenced in base.yml
using $( property "port" )
Most other product template part functions behave similarly.
kiln fetch
downloads BOSH Release Tarballs from any of the following "sources"
and puts them in a "./releases" directory.
Before Kiln can help you manage the BOSH Releases you put in the tile, you need to upload BOSH Release tarballs to a place accessable to Kiln.
See the sources below to decide which is right for your release.
Unlike Tile Generator. Kiln does not create releases. The Kiln way is to
- have BOSH releases each have their own source control
- have CI build and upload (finalized) BOSH release tarballs somewhere
- have a tile source repository
- in the tile source repository specify how Kiln can get the BOSH release tarballs
While the following examples start from empty directories and mostly use S3 and There are similar simple scripts for a small test tile illustrating similar usage patterns to the follwoing example. See hello-tile. Hello Tile consumes a single custom BOSH Release, hello-release, from a GitHub release. It does not upload the release to TanzuNet but adds the built tile to a GitHub Release.
This starts from an empty directory and downloads the latest BPM release from Note, the Kilnfile and Kilnfile.lock (unfortunately/frustratingly) must be created manually.
# Create and go into an empty directory
mkdir -p /tmp/try-kiln-fetch
cd !$
mkdir -p releases
touch releases/.gitkeep # not required but a good idea
# Hack a Kilnfile and Kilnfile lock
echo '{"release_sources": [{type:}], "releases": [{"name": "bpm"}]}' | yq --prettyPrint . > Kilnfile
yq '{"releases": [. | {"name": "bpm", "version": .version, "sha1": .sha, "remote_source": "", "remote_path": .remote_path}]}' <(kiln find-release-version --release=bpm) | yq --prettyPrint . > Kilnfile.lock
# Call Kiln fetch
kiln fetch
# See the fetched release
stat releases/bpm*.tgz
The files should look something like these
# Expected Kilnfile
- type: ""
- name: bpm
# Expected Kilnfile.lock
- name: bpm
version: "1.2.3"
sha1: "ad12bb4e1d2c0b94ef679670a99adaff920850d0"
remote_path: ""
The YQ expressions are a hack to get this to work from an empty directory. We need to improve this process. Kiln fetch was built around an existing "assets.lock"; the developer experience for starting from an empty directory is not polished.
Kiln searches each BOSH Release tarball source in order when you call kiln find-release-version
The tarball lock printed if from the first release source that has a matching lock.
- You should put your publishable release tarball source (where you cache compiled release tarballs first).
- Then you should put your closed source release tarball source.
- Then you should put open source places like or open source GitHub.
Updating a release in a lock file requires two kiln commands.
Please follow the "Kiln Fetch Example" before following this one.
# (optional) Add a version constraint to the Kilnfile.
# This shows how Kiln will select a version that matches a constrint.
yq '(.releases[] | select(.name == "bpm")) |= .version = "~1.1"' Kilnfile
# Find a new BOSH Release Tarball version (on
export NEW_RELEASE_VERSION="$(kiln find-release-version --release=bpm | yq '.version')"
echo "Kiln found: bpm/${NEW_RELEASE_VERSION}"
# Update the Kilnfile.lock with the new version
kiln update-release --version="${NEW_RELEASE_VERSION}" --name="bpm"
The syntax for BOSH Release Tarball version constraints is Masterminds/semver. Other parts of the Cloud Foundry ecosystem use blang/semver. If you get unexpected results, this difference may be the cause. For simple version constraints they are similar enough.
kiln update-release
ignores the content of Kilnfile.
This can cause kiln validate
to fail when a version passed to kiln update-release
does not match the constraint in the Kilnfile. This behavior may/should change.
This developer experience needs work IMO.
The release name flag difference is awkward.
In find-release-version
, the flag is --release
In kiln update-release
, the flag is --name
Maybe this should be one command and an optional flag
kiln update-release
→kiln update-bosh-release bpm
kiln find-release-version
→kiln update-bosh-release --dry-run bpm
While different credentials per release source element are currently supported. I would recommend one set of credentials per release source type.
In the Kilnfile.lock, BOSH release tarballs lock elements have a few fields.
: The BOSH release nameversion
: The BOSH release versionsha1
: The sha1 sum of the BOSH release tarballremote_source
: The identifier of the BOSH Release tarball source specified in the Kilnfile where the tarball is storedremote_path
: A source specific string to identify where the tarball is. This may be a URL.
A Kilnfile (currently) specifies all the strings required to configure a BOSH Release tarball source.
This includes secrets.
While you can just add the secrets to the Kilnfile, don't.
The Kilnfiles go through an initial templating step before being parsed.
Please don't use this for anything but secret injection.
Most kiln commands recieve a --variable
or a --variables-file
To use the --variable
flag run something like this:
kiln fetch --variable=fruit=banana
In your Kilnfile use the fruit variable like this.
- some_field: $(variable "banana")
- some_field: "$(variable "banana")"
- some_field: '$(variable "banana")'
Please set an explicit ID for each release source.
Kiln has fall-back behavior to use other fields to identify a release source (like bucket for S3 or owner for GitHub...)
but this fall-back behavior can be hard to follow.
Just set id
on all of your release sources and make mapping releases in the Kilnfile.lock to the release source in Kilnfile easier to follow.
While some BOSH release tarball sources use URLs as the remote_path
in their release locks,
others (S3 and Artifactory) rely on a path template in their configuration.
The path_template
is uses text/template
and is passed a value with the following type.
package cargo
// PathTemplateData is passed to template.Execute along with the parsed Release Source path template.
// this type is not the real one in the source.
type PathTemplateData struct{
// Name is set to the BOSH Release name
Name string
// Version is set to the BOSH Release version
Version string
// Name is set to the Kilnfile.lock StemcellCriteria OS value
StemcellOS string
// Name is set to the Kilnfile.lock StemcellCriteria Version value
StemcellVersion string
Here are some example path templates (the rest of the release source config has been omitted).
- path_template: "bla-bla/{{.Name}}/{{.Version}}/{{.Name}}-{{.Version}}-{{.StemcellOS}}-{{.StemcellVersion}}.tgz"
- path_template: "bla-bla/{{.Name}}/{{.Version}}/{{.Name}}-{{.Version}}.tgz"
- path_template: "bla-bla/{{.Name}}-{{.Version}}-{{.StemcellOS}}-{{.StemcellVersion}}.tgz"
Avoid using other Go text/template actions like {{if pipeline}}
and the like.
Kiln can only download releases from and can not upload BOSH Releases to
This release source has minimal configuration.
Just add it to your release_sources
and you can get releases from
- type:
id: community # (optional) the default ID for this type is the constant string ""
The value of remote_path
in the BOSH release tarball lock is a URL.
Kiln can only download releases from GitHub Releases and can not upload BOSH Releases to Github.
To download BOSH Release Tarballs from GitHub Releases, add the following
- type: "github"
id: releen # (optional) the default ID in this case is the value of org
org: "releen"
github_token: $(variable "github_access_token")
is always required even for public repositories because we make API requests
You will need one entry per organization. Some examples are: "pivotal", "cloudfoundry", "pivotal-cf", or your personal/company GitHub username.
You will need to add the following flag to most commands:
# Optional helper
export GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN="$(gh auth status --show-token 2>&1 | grep 'Token:' | awk '{print $NF}')"
# Example Kiln variable flag
kiln fetch --variable="github_access_token=${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}"
The value of remote_path
in the BOSH release tarball lock is a URL.
Kiln can fetch and upload releases to/from Build Artifactory.
The release source specification should look like this:
- type: "artifactory"
id: "official-storage" # (optional) the default ID for this type is the constant string value "artifactory"
repo: "some-repository"
username: $(variable "artifactory_username")
password: $(variable "artifactory_password")
path_template: "some-path-template/{{.Name}}/{{.Name}}-{{.Version}}-{{.StemcellOS}}-{{.StemcellVersion}}.tgz"
is not a GitHub repository. It refers to an Artifactory repository.username
values can be non-empty arbitrary values for read-only access
Please see Path Templates. The value of remote_path
in the BOSH release tarball lock is part of the path needed to construct a URL to download the release.
Kiln can fetch and upload releases to/from AWS S3.
- type: "artifactory"
bucket: "some-bucket"
id: "legacy-storage" # (optional) the default ID for this type is the value of bucket
region: "some-region"
access_key_id: $(variable "access_key_id")
secret_access_key: $(variable "secret_access_key")
path_template: "some-path-template/{{.Name}}/{{.Name}}-{{.Version}}-{{.StemcellOS}}-{{.StemcellVersion}}.tgz"
Please see Path Templates. The value of remote_path
in the BOSH release tarball lock is part of the path needed to make the S3 object name.
kiln bake
adds the BOSH release tarballs in the releases directory to the tile reguardless of if they match the Kilnfile.lock.
Building a tile with arbitrary releases in the tarball is not secure; this behavior should only be used for development not for building production tiles.
You can add a default credentials file to ~/.kiln/credentials.yml
so you don't need to pass variables flags everywhere.
Don't do this with production creds but if you have credentials you can safely write to your disk, consider using this functionality.
The file can look like this
# GitHub release sources credentials. Github Release should contain BOSH tarballs
github_token: some-token
# S3 release BOSH release tarball source credentials
aws_secret_access_key: some-key
aws_access_key_id: some-id
# Artifactory BOSH release tarball release source credentials
artifactory_username: some-username
artifactory_password: some-password
The following code will allow you to export/cache compiled BOSH Release Tarballs to either S3 or Artifactory after the tile has been deployed.
Before kiln cache-compiled-releases
exports the BOSH Release Tarballs it checks the specified source to ensure a tarball with a name containing the stemcell version does not exist.
# create a tile with the releases you want compiled
kiln bake
# Add an S3 (or Artifactory) release source to your Kilnfile
yq -i '.release_sources = [{"type": "s3", "id": "my_compiled_release_bucket", bucket": "some_bucket", "publishable": true, "access_key_id": "some_id", "secret_access_key": "some_id"}] + .release_sources' Kilnfile
# claim a bosh director and configure the environment
smith claim -p us_4_0
eval "$(smith om)"
eval "$(smith bosh)"
export OM_PRIVATE_KEY="$(cat $(echo "${BOSH_ALL_PROXY}" | awk -F= '{print $2}'))"
# deploy your Product (the commands should look something like this)
om upload-product --product=tile.pivotal
om configure-product --config=simple_config.yml
om apply-changes --product-name=my-tile-name
# Download Compiled BOSH Releases from the BOSH Director and Upload them to the S3 Bucket or Artifactory
kiln cache-compiled-releases --upload-target-id=my_compiled_release_bucket --name=hello
# Commit and push the changes to Kilnfile.lock
git add -p Kilnfile.lock
git commit -m "compile BOSH Releases with $(yq '.stemcell_criteria.os' Kilnfile.lock)/$(yq '.stemcell_criteria.version' Kilnfile.lock)"
git push origin HEAD
kiln find-stemcell-version
and kiln update-stemcell
Find the latest stemcell releases on TanzuNet. They behave similarly to the bosh release commands above.
If I remember right, the find-stemcell-version command has a bug where the stemcell criteria version in the Kilnfile is not respected and the result of the command is always the latest version.
If you use the GitHub release source for your BOSH release tarballs, you can generate release notes for your tile. The notes will contain release notes for each BOSH release.
This feature requires you to have a previous tile release that used a Kilnfile.lock to specify the BOSH releases packaged. You pass two references
- the Git Reference or SHA of the commit of the tile repo source used to generate the previously published tile
- Git Reference or SHA of the commit of the tile repo source used to generate the next tile
While you can override the template and the regular expression used to make these notes. They are quite hard to craft. I recommend you use the defaults.
kiln release-notes --update-docs=path-to-release-notes-file/ "${PREVIOUS_RELEASE_SHA}" "${NEXT_RELEASE_SHA}"
If you omit --update-docs
the notes will be written to standard out.
kiln publish
does not in-fact publish a tile.
It changes some of the configuration on a previously created TanzuNet release.
While we use it for TAS, it is not ready/intended to be used by other tiles quite yet.
Note the Kiln repository is pre-1.0.0. While we try to maintain backwards compatablility with the commands. The package API is subject to change without notice.
See the Hello Tile manifest test to see how to use this in tests.
Follow the conventions you see in hello-tile, and you should be able to run kiln test
The package can help you detect changes that would require foundation provider/operator) intervention.
go get
package main
import (
func main() {
// log release versions
lock, err := cargo.ReadKilnfileLock("Kilnfile.lock")
if err != nil {
for _, releaseLock := range lock.Releases {
fmt.Println(releaseLock.Name, releaseLock.Version)
// print name and rank from tile.pivotal
manifestBytes, err := tile.ReadMetadataFromFile("tile.pivotal")
if err != nil {
var productTemplate proofing.ProductTemplate
err = yaml.Unmarshal(manifestBytes, productTemplate)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(productTemplate.Name, productTemplate.Rank)
There is an internal VMware intiative to build tiles using TAP and buildpacks. The Kiln Buildpack can take tile source code and create a tile. For it to work, you need to have your BOSH Release Tarballs fetch-able by Kiln (and only using GitHub or release sources) and it is nice if your bake command does not require too many flags (see Tile Source Conventions).
The private repository kiln buildpack has the Paketo buildpack source.
You can run the acceptance tests with a TILE_DIRECTORY
environment variable set to your tile source to see if your tile will build with the buildpack.
mkdir -p /tmp/try-kiln-buildpack
cd !$
set -e
# Clone the Buildpack source
git clone [email protected]:pivotal/kiln-buildpack
cd kiln-buildpack
# Check the path to your tile directory
stat ${HOME}/workspace/my-tile-source/Kilnfile.lock
# WARNING this does a git clean. This is important to simulate building from source.
# If you have releases fetched already, you won't get an acurate test.
cd stat ${HOME}/workspace/my-tile-source && git clean -ffd && cd -
# Run the acceptance test against your tile source
TILE_DIRECTORY="${HOME}/workspace/my-tile-source" go test -v --tags=acceptance .
stat /tmp/try-kiln-buildpack/kiln-buildpack/tile.pivotal
The buildpack is intended to use on TAP. It is still in early development.
The following are some useful .gitignore contents.