Green Impact Campaign (GIC) is a nonprofit organization that brings student volunteers and small businesses together to mitigate climate change. We provide students nationwide with cloud-based tools and training to go out and conduct free energy assessments for local, small businesses in their community. We’ve worked with students in 30 states that have helped 400 small businesses find nearly $1 million in energy savings.
We provide training and tools to volunteers to conduct free energy assessments for local, small businesses across the country. Businesses sign up through our website (Wordpress) that then creates an account for them in our energy assessment tool (Drupal) called GEMS. We want to create a map API on our website (Wordpress) that would show a map of all of the businesses that have participated in our program across the US. We use Formidable for the register forms. We’re hoping that once a business goes through our form, we can extract the data and create a point on a map that shows the business information, like a map directory. Ideally, this happens in real-time. Additionally, we have begun the process of trying to have better UX for businesses and students using GEMS. We would like to have some redesign the tool’s workflow to better serve both users.
GIC Homepage: http://greenimpactcampaign.org/