- Feature
- Design
- Support various transport type
- Event model
- High customizable thread model
- Performance
- High throughput, lower latency
- Less resource consumption
- Minimized memory copy
- Security
- SSL/TLS Supoort
- Design
- Architecture
- Core
- Event Model
- Universal Communication API
- Zero-Copy-Capable Rich Byte Buffer
- io.netty.buffer, io.netty.common, io.netty.resolver, io.netty.resolver.dns
- Protocal Support
- HTTP & WebSocket
- Google Protobuf
- Large File Transfer
- io.netty.codec.http, io.netty.codec.http2, io.netty.codec.smtp, io.netty.codec.haproxy
- Transport Service
- Socket & Datagram
- HTTP Tunnel
- In-VM Pipe
- io.netty.transport.epoll, io.netty.transport.kqueue
- Core
- Scope
- used by 30000+ open source project
- top project
- database: cassandra
- spark, hadoop
- rocket mq
- grpc, apache dubbo
- Do more
- netty support protocal in application layer
- netty resolve pack and unpack automatically
- netty customization
- netty handle exception
- Do better
- bug fix: fix jdk issue faster and response better
- enhancement
- Netty's ByteBuff
- Netty's FashThreadLocal
- isolated network implementation
- Mina
- same developer
- Alex from Apache Directory work with Trustin/Norman Maurer from Netty2
- Grizzly
- less developer
- less document
- slow development, small community
- 2004.06: netty2
- 2008.10: netty3
- 2013.07: netty4
- 2015.11: netty5 dropping, not performance benefit from ForkJoinPool
- blocking IO before JDK1.4
- blocking and sync
- new IO after JDK1.4
- non-blocking and sync
- JDK1.7
- non-blocking and async
- blocking: wait till data is ready
- non blocking: return if data is not ready or buffer is full
- sync: program read data by itself
- async: os read data and program call once data is ready
- blocking will consuem resource, less thread compared to BIO
- NIO have higher perfomance than BIO in high concurrency
- mainly support, in linux
- AIO is in-mature in linux
- NIO/AIO performance almost same in linux
- Not support
- NioEventLoopGroup vs OioEventLoopGroup
- NioSocketChannel vs OioSocketChannel
- Channel switch by Factory, Releection and Generic type
return channelFactory(new ReflectiveChannelFactory<C>(
ObjectUtil.checkNotNull(channelClass, "channelClass")
- initial boss and worker event loop
- serverBoostrap
- group boss and worker event loop
- declare server socket channel type
- initial childHandler
- closeFuture return when only channel is close
// Create eventLoop
EventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
EventLoopGroup workerGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup();
ServerBootstrap serverBootstrap = new ServerBootstrap();
serverBootstrap.group(bossGroup, workerGroup).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class).childHandler(new TestServerChannelInitializer());
ChannelFuture future = serverBootstrap.bind(8899).sync();
}catch (Exception e){
} finally {
- initial worker event loop only
- Boostrap
- worker event loop
- declare socket channel type
- initial handler for worker
EventLoopGroup worker = new NioEventLoopGroup();
Bootstrap bootstrap = new Bootstrap();
bootstrap.group(worker).channel(NioSocketChannel.class).handler(new MsgClientChannelInitializer());
ChannelFuture channelFuture = bootstrap.connect("localhost", 8899).sync();
} catch (Exception e){
} finally {
public class TestServerChannelInitializer extends ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel>{
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
// get the pipeline to add handler
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast("httpServerCodec", new HttpServerCodec());
pipeline.addLast("testHttpServerHandler", new TestServerChannelHandler());
public class TestServerChannelHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<HttpObject>{
protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, HttpObject msg) throws Exception {
if (msg instanceof HttpRequest) {
System.out.println("Execute ChannelRead0");
System.out.println("Method: " + ((HttpRequest)msg).method());
ByteBuf content = Unpooled.copiedBuffer("Hello World", CharsetUtil.UTF_8);
FullHttpResponse response = new DefaultFullHttpResponse(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1, HttpResponseStatus.OK, content);
response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_TYPE, "text/plain");
response.headers().set(HttpHeaderNames.CONTENT_LENGTH, content.readableBytes());
- handlerAdded
- channelRegistered
- channelActive
- ChannelRead0
- channelReadComplete
- channelInactive
- channelUnregistered
- handlerRemoved
- inactive/unregister is only executed when channel is closed
- close channel manually
private static ChannelGroup channelGroup = new DefaultChannelGroup(GlobalEventExecutor.INSTANCE);
bootstrap.group(boss, worker).channel(NioServerSocketChannel.class).handler(new LoggingHandler(LogLevel.DEBUG)).childHandler(new HeartBeatServerChannelInitializer());
- HTTP cons
- HTTP is not persistent connection
- Overhead may be large for HTTP header
- Server push data to client, no real time from server to client
- WebSocket server and client handshake
- WebSocket server/client exchange data via without overhead
- Client send server HTTP request with ws parameter, client/Server upgrade protocal from HTTP to WebSocket
- WebSocket Frame
- TextWebSocketFrame
- PingWebSocketFrame (heartBeat)
- PongWebSocketFrame (heartBeat)
- BinaryWebSocketFrame
- CloseWebSocketFrame
- ContinouationWebSocketFrame
- WebSocketServerProtocolHandler declare the WebSocket URI: ws://localhost:8080/<context_path>
public class WebSocketChannelInitializer extends ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel> {
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(new HttpServerCodec());
pipeline.addLast(new ChunkedWriteHandler());
// Aggregate the HttpRequest segment to complete HttpRequest
pipeline.addLast(new HttpObjectAggregator(8192));
pipeline.addLast(new WebSocketServerProtocolHandler("/ws"));
pipeline.addLast(new TextWebSocketFrameHandler());
public class TextWebSocketFrameHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<TextWebSocketFrame> {
protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, TextWebSocketFrame msg) throws Exception {
System.out.println("Received: " + msg.text());
ctx.channel().writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame("Server Time: " + LocalDateTime.now()));
- cross language and platform, performance of component's communication
- interface, entity declaration file
- generate program language file from declaration file
- client invoke server's method as in process call
- RPC msg communication
- java serialization
- self-define structure
- XML/Json
- RPC framework
- define the data structure to generate source code
- support java, python, c++, ruby, c#
- development:
- add protoc to path
- add protoc-java library
- proto buff spec
- package: proto buff namespace and default java package, mandatory
- java_package: explicit declaration java package, optional
- java_outer_classname: out class, other message is inner class of this class
- datatype: bool, int32, float, double
- annotation
- required: mandatory, is forever
- optional: may or may not set
- repeated: nay number of times
syntax = "proto3";
package com.bp.netty.proto;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
option java_package = "com.bp.netty.proto";
option java_outer_classname = "Student";
option java_multiple_files = true;
- builder vs message
- message is immutable
- builder to construct the message by build()
- command protoc --java_out=<source_directory> <protobuffer_file> protoc --java_out=src/main/java src/protobuf/DataInfo.proto
- netty integration
- Initializer
- add ProtobufVarint32FrameDecoder, ProtobufDecoder, ProtobufVarint32LengthFieldPrepender, ProtobufEncoder Hanlder
- ProtobufDecoder accept the message class defaultInstance
- Handler accept the type of messageType
- Initializer
pipeline.addLast(new ProtobufVarint32FrameDecoder());
pipeline.addLast(new ProtobufDecoder(PersonDataInfo.Person.getDefaultInstance()));
pipeline.addLast(new ProtobufVarint32LengthFieldPrepender());
pipeline.addLast(new ProtobufEncoder());
public class PersonTestServerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler<PersonDataInfo.Person>
- recommended implementation
- define the message [header + body]
- header: message type enum, header is message type
- type: data via "oneof", only one field is set one time
- define the message [header + body]
message MsgData {
enum MsgType{
CAT = 1;
DOG = 2;
required MsgType msgType = 1;
oneof MsgBody {
Person person = 2;
Cat cat = 3;
Dog dog = 4;
- Overview
- support C++, Java, Python, PHP, Erlang
- define the interface Description Language
- datatype: byte, i16, i32, i64, double, string, list, set, map
- service: interface
- struts: compose of data
- enum
- exception
- typedef: typedef i32 int
- namespace
- include: include "global.thrift"
- command
- thrift --gen "thrift_data_file"
- server
- set the server as Nonblocking
- set transport, protocal and processor(from thrift service)
- client
- set transport and protocal, protocal above transport
- call the remote server call
// server
TNonblockingServerSocket socket = new TNonblockingServerSocket(8899);
THsHaServer.Args arg = new THsHaServer.Args(socket).minWorkerThreads(2).maxWorkerThreads(4);
PersonService.Processor<PersonServiceImpl> processor = new PersonService.Processor<>(new PersonServiceImpl());
arg.transportFactory(new TFramedTransport.Factory());
arg.protocolFactory(new TCompactProtocol.Factory());
arg.processorFactory(new TProcessorFactory(processor));
TServer server = new THsHaServer(arg);
// client
TTransport transport = new TFramedTransport(new TSocket("localhost", 8899), 600);
TProtocol protocol = new TCompactProtocol(transport);
PersonService.Client client = new PersonService.Client(protocol);
- Architecture
Client | Server |
Application Code | Application Code |
Client | Processor |
write/read | write/read |
TProtocol | TProtocol |
TTransport | TTransport |
- Protocol
- TBinaryProtocol
- TCompactProtocol
- TJSONProtocol
- TDebugProtocol
- Transport
- TSocket: blocking
- TFramedTransport: frame as unit
- TFileTransport: transport file
- TMemoryTransport: byteArrayOutputStream
- TZlibTransport
- Server
- TSimpleServer: single thread
- TThreadPoolServer: multi thread, blocking io, every request is thread
- TNonblockingServer: multi thread, no-blocking io, based on TFramedTransport
- THsHaServer: half-sync, half-async, based on TFramedTransport
- Overview
- base on protocol buff3
- generate client and server stub
- bi-directional streaming and integrated auth
- mode
- unary RPC
- client stream
- server stream
- bi-direction stream
- library
- 'io.grpc:grpc-netty:1.4.0',
- 'io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.4.0',
- 'io.grpc:grpc-stub:1.4.0'
- config plugin
- https://github.com/google/protobuf-gradle-plugin
- generate java code
- add code to source set
- proto file
- gradle generateProto
- execution
- request/response
- request/stream response
- request stream/response
- request stream/response stream
service StudentService {
rpc GetRealNameByUsername(MyRequest) returns (MyResponse) {}
rpc GetStudentsByAge(StudentRequest) returns (stream StudentResponse) {}
rpc GetStudentListByAges(stream StudentRequest) returns (StudentResponseList) {}
rpc BiTalk(stream StreamRequest) returns (stream StreamResponse) {}
message MyRequest { string username = 1;}
message MyResponse { string realname = 1;}
message StudentRequest { int32 age = 1;}
message StudentResponse {
string name = 1;
int32 age = 2;
string city = 3;
message StudentResponseList { repeated StudentResponse studentResponse = 1; }
message StreamRequest { string request_info = 1;}
message StreamResponse { string response_info = 1;}
- source code
- server
- request vs response
- request is object, response is StreamObserver object
- streamObserver response by onNext
- streamObserver complete by onCompleted
- request vs response stream
- StreamObserver response multiple result by onNext
- client get response as iterator
- request stream vs response
- stub(non-blocking) to trigger the remote call
- service implementation define the request callback, onNext, onError and onCompleted and return the request
- client define the how response callback
- client send the request via request.onNext() on onCompleted()
// server
this.server = ServerBuilder.forPort(8899).addService(new StudentServiceImpl()).build().start();
System.out.println("server start");
public void getRealNameByUsername(MyRequest request, StreamObserver<MyResponse> responseObserver) {
System.out.println("accept: " + request.getUsername());
public void getStudentsByAge(StudentRequest studentRequest, StreamObserver<StudentResponse> responseStreamObserver) {
public StreamObserver<StudentRequest> getStudentListByAges(StreamObserver<StudentResponseList> responseListStreamObserver) {
return new StreamObserver<StudentRequest>() {
StudentResponseList.Builder studentResponseListBuilder = StudentResponseList.newBuilder();
public void onNext(StudentRequest value) { studentResponseListBuilder.addStudentResponse(StudentResponse.newBuilder().setName("SG" + value.getAge()).setAge(value.getAge())); }
public void onError(Throwable t) { System.out.println(t.getMessage());}
public void onCompleted() {
StudentResponseList studentResponseList = studentResponseListBuilder.build();
// client
class StudentStreamResponse implements StreamObserver<StudentResponseList> {
public void onNext(StudentResponseList value) { value.getStudentResponseList().forEach(i -> System.out.println(i.getName() + " " + i.getAge()));}
public void onError(Throwable t) { System.out.println(t.getMessage()); }
public void onCompleted() { System.out.println("Completed");}
StudentServiceGrpc.StudentServiceStub stub = StudentServiceGrpc.newStub(managedChannel);
StreamObserver<StudentRequest> studentRequestStreamObserver = stub.getStudentListByAges(new StudentStreamResponse());
public StreamObserver<StreamRequest> biTalk(StreamObserver<StreamResponse> streamResponseStreamObserver) {
return new StreamObserver<StreamRequest>() {
public void onNext(StreamRequest value) { streamResponseStreamObserver.onNext(StreamResponse.newBuilder().setResponseInfo("response" + value.getRequestInfo()).build()); }
public void onError(Throwable t) {System.out.println(t.getMessage());}
public void onCompleted() { streamResponseStreamObserver.onCompleted();}
StreamObserver<StreamRequest> streamRequestStreamObserver = stub.biTalk(new StreamObserver<StreamResponse>() {
public void onNext(StreamResponse value) { System.out.println(value.getResponseInfo());}
public void onError(Throwable t) {System.out.println(t.getMessage());}
public void onCompleted() {System.out.println("completed");}
- shutdown hook
- shutdown normally or by event
- shutdown hook is initialized but not started
- shutdown hook may have multiple thread and not time consuming task
- event to trigger shutdown sequence
- input/output
- bytes[inputstream|outputstream]/char[reader|writer]
- node stream/filter stream
- extends object
- extends more responsibility
- component
- component[inputstream]: abstract interface
- concrete component[file inputstream]: core function
- decorator[filter inputstream]: have a component reference and decorator interface [super class]
- concrete decorator[buffered inputstream]: add on function
- capacity: positive and never change
- limit: index of first element is not for read/write, less than capacity
- position: index of next element for read/write, less than limit = 0 =< mark =< position =< limit =< capacity
- flip(): set limit to position, set position to 0
- mark(): set mark = position, reset(): set position = mark
- clear(): set limit = capacity, position = 0
- rewind(): set position = 0
- slice(): new sliced buffer position, limit, capacity is independent but with common data
- ReadonlyBuffer: original buffer data change relect on ReadonlyBuffer
- directBuffer vs HeapBuffer
- heapbuffer: copy the data of java memory to system memory, system memory's data deal with IO
- directbuffer: direct deal with system memory, zero copy from java process to system
- Outside Java: allocate memory out-of java process
- Inside Java: address point to memory
- MappedByteBuffur
- map file or partial file to memory
- change to buffer will reflect to file
- HeapBuffer is not direct copy to I/O device
- GC may happen during copying
- copying between buffers is fast, deal with I/O is slow
- HeapBuffer copy to I/O will allocate temp DirectBuff
RandomAccessFile randomAccessFile = new RandomAccessFile("NioTest09.txt", "rw");
FileChannel fileChannel = randomAccessFile.getChannel();
MappedByteBuffer mappedByteBuffer = fileChannel.map(FileChannel.MapMode.READ_WRITE, 0, 5);
- Scattering && Gattering
- scattering: socket read the data into buffer array
- gattering: socket write buffer array data out
ByteBuffer[] buffers = new ByteBuffer[3];
buffers[0] = ByteBuffer.allocate(2);
buffers[1] = ByteBuffer.allocate(3);
buffers[2] = ByteBuffer.allocate(4);
SocketChannel socketChannel = serverSocketChannel.accept();
long r = socketChannel.read(buffers);
long r = socketChannel.write(buffers);
- A multiplexor of SelectableChannel objects, created System's default selector provider via open() to create a new selector. open till close() invoke.
- SelectableChannel register with a selector by SelectionKey
- Selection Operation
- The key set
- keys()
- all keys representing registered selectable channels, channel register to selector
- key will added into key set as registration side effect
- The selected-key
- selectedKeys()
- each key's channel was detected to be ready for at least one of the operations.
- key added into selected-key set in selection operation
- The cancelled-key
- keys that have been cancelled but whose channels have not yet been deregistered
- key will added cancelled key set and channel will deregister in next selection operation
- selection operation
- select(), selectNow(), select(long)
- key in cancelled-key will remove from each key set and channel is deregistered
- os queried for an update as to the readiness of remaining channel to perform any of the operations identified by its key's interest set. For a channel that is ready for at least one such operation
- not in the selected-key set, then added to selected-key set and update its ready-operation set is modified for which the channel is now reported to be ready.
- in the selected-key set, so its ready-operation set is modified to identify any new operations for which the channel is reported to be ready.
- The key set
- SelectionKey
- interest set determines which operation categories will be tested for readiness the next time one of the selector's selection methods is invoked.
- ready set identifies the operation categories for which the key's channel has been detected to be ready by the key's selector.
while (true) {
Set<SelectionKey> selectionKeys = selector.selectedKeys();
Iterator<SelectionKey> iterator = selectionKeys.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
SelectionKey selectionKey = iterator.next();
if (selectionKey.isAcceptable()) {
ServerSocketChannel serverChannel = (ServerSocketChannel) selectionKey.channel();
SocketChannel socketChannel = serverChannel.accept();
socketChannel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_READ);
System.out.println("connection from " + socketChannel);
} else if (selectionKey.isReadable()) {
SocketChannel socketChannel = (SocketChannel) selectionKey.channel();
int byteRead = 0;
while(true) {
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(256);
int read = socketChannel.read(buffer);
if(read <= 0) {
byteRead += read;
System.out.println("read: " + byteRead + ", from " + socketChannel);
- encode: CharBuffer to ByteBuffer
- decode: ByteBuffer to CharBuffer
- file save into disk as bytes.
- ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange, 7 bit for 1 char, total is 128 char
- ISO-8859-1: 8 bit(1 byte ) for 1 char, total is 256 char, compatible for ASCII
- GB2312: 2 bytes as Chinese Char
- BIG5: Taiwan
- Unicode: for every thing, 2 bytes as 1 char
- UTF: Unicode Translation Format, unicode is encoding standard, UTF is storage standard, implementation of Unicode
- UTF-16
- zero width No-Break Space, 0xFEFF, 0xFFFE
- UTF-16LE (little ending): start with 0xFFFE
- UTF-16BE (big ending): start with 0xFEFF
- UTF-8
- variable length storage
- 3 bytes for 1 chinese char
- BOM (Byte Order Mark)
- source utf-8, destination utf-8, encoding/decoding via utf-8 is ok, intermediate is good
- source utf-8, destination utf-8, encoding/decoding via iso-8899-1 is ok, intermediate is disorder
- source utf-8, destination gbk, encoding/decoding via iso-8899-1 is bad, intermediate is disorder
- User space read() syscall Kernel Space
- Kernel Space ask data from Hardware
- Kernel Space copy the data into User Space
- User space copy data to target buffer for socket
- User space write() syscall to Kernel Space
- Kernel Space write data into socket
- Hardware notify Kernel Space is done
- Kernel Space notify User space is done
- User space sendfile() syscall Kernel space
- Kernel space ask data from Hardware into kernal buffer
- Kernel space write file descriptor into target buffer
- Kernal space write the file to Hardware via kernal buffer[data] + target buffer[descriptor]
- Kernel space notify sendfile() to User space
- extends EventExecutorGroup
- allow registering channel for later selection
- interface:
- next(): return next EventLoop
- register(Channel)/register(ChannelPromise): register channel
- NioEventGroup initial array of EventExecutor[number of processor * 2]
- EventExecutor is generic EventExecutorGroup to see if thread is execute in a event loop
- ThreadPerTaskExecutor decouple the initialization of thread and how task is executed
- constructor: ThreadFactory with priority, name, daemon status
- execute: ThreadFactory -> newThread(Runnable r).start()
- Executor: decoupling task sumission from mechanics of how each task will be run (thread's detail, scheduling)
- Structure
- SingleThreadEventLoop
- SingleThreadEventExecutor
- AbstractEventExecutor
- EventExecutor(Int)
- EventExecutorGroup(Int)
- AbstractExecutorService
- ExecutorService (Int)
- AbstractExecutorService
- EventExecutorGroup(Int)
- EventExecutor(Int)
- AbstractEventExecutor
- EventLoop (Int)
- EventLoopGroup (Int)
- EventExecutorGroup(Int)
- EventLoopGroup (Int)
- SingleThreadEventExecutor
- SingleThreadEventLoop
- SelectorProvider
- step1: java.nio.channels.spi.SelectorProvider to get provider name
- step2: ServiceLoader to get provider name
- setp3: sun.nio.ch.DefaultSelectorProvider.create() choosed by JDK
- group
- set the parent(acceptor) and child(client), handle all the event for ServerChannel and Channel
- Parent to be set in AbstractBootstrap
- register parent to serverSocketChannel
- ChildGroup to be set in ServerBootstrap
- register childGroup to SocketChannel
- register Channel via EventExecutorChooser
- GenericEventExecutorChooser: incr 1 mod length
- PowerOfTwoEventExecutorChooser: incr 1 & (length-1). e.g & '111'
AbstractBootstrap: ChannelFuture initAndRegister() {
channel = channelFactory.newChannel();
ChannelFuture regFuture = config().group().register(channel);
ServerBootstrap: void channelRead(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object msg) {
inal Channel child = (Channel) msg;
childGroup.register(child).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener());
- channel(Class)
- set the channelFactory via ReflectiveChannelFacotory
- channel is not setup yet
- NioServerSocketChannel use NIO selector based implementation to accept new connection
- childHandler
- set childHandler to serve the request
- ChannelFuture
- Future(JDK)
- asynchronous computation, provided to check if the computation is complete, to wait for its completion, and to retrieve the result of the computation.
- cancel(Boolean), isCancelled(), isDone(), get()
- get() is blocking
- Future(Netty)
- addListenser: listening the future result, notify the listener to execute operationComplete() when task is complete
- Listener implements GenericFutureListener, GenericFutureListener has operationComplete(Future) method to pass future to trigger operation after future complete
- operationComplete verify future.isDone or success to trigger operation
- operationComplete as callback method
- removeListenser
- isSuccess: I/O operation is completed successfully
- ChannelFuture
- All I/O operations in Netty are asynchronous. It means any I/O calls will return immediately with no guarantee that the requested I/O operation has been completed at the end of the call
- status
- Uncompleted: isDone() =false, isSucess()=false, isCancelled()flase
- Completed
- success: isDone() = true, isSuccess() = true
- failure: isDone() = true, cause not null
- cancel: isDone() = true, isCancelled() = true
- recommend use listener to performa operation after I/O is done
- Do not call await() inside ChannelHandler
- ChannelHandler are usually called by an I/O thread. If await() is called by an event handler method, which is called by the I/O thread, the I/O operation it is waiting for might never complete because await() can block the I/O operation it is waiting for, which is a dead lock.
- Bad Example: channelRead0() { future.await() }
- Good Example: chann elRead0() { future.addListenser(ChannelFutureListener)}
- Do not confuse I/O timeout and await timeout
- await timeout does not means I/O timeout, I/O may not complete yet
- set I/O timeout options I/O, I/O timeout means future is failed
- Bad Example: ChannelFuture f = b.connect(...); f.awaitUninterruptibly(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
- Good Example: b.option(ChannelOption.CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS, 10000); ChannelFuture f = b.connect(...); f.awaitUninterruptibly();
- Future(JDK)
- Promise
- setSuccess: only one time
- setFailure: only one time
- ChannelPromise
- notify the listeners to via set success or set failure to trigger operation complete
- ChannelPipeline
- implementation of intercepting Filter, list of channelHandler
- full control over how inbound and outbound event is handled
- pipeline is created automatically when a channel is created
- pipeline contains ChannelHandlerContext, ChannelHandlerContext contains ChannelHandler
- In: socket read, then Inbound Handler from 1 to N
- Out: Outbound Handler from 1 to N, then socket write
- E.g. Pipeline add 1 in, 2, in, 3 out, 4 out, 5 InAndOut
- in: 1, 2, 5
- out: 5, 4, 3
- Create in AbstractChannel
- reference of channel
- create tail as TailContext and head as HeadContext
- Forwarding event to next handler via event propagation method
- Building Pipeline
- solution 1
- pipeline.addLast(group, "handler", new Handler())
- time consuming task execute by EventExecutorGroup
- solution 2
- handler contains thread pool
- solution 1
- Thread safety
- handler can be add/remove any time
- Channel
- nexus to network socket which is capable of I/O operation
- provide
- current state
- configuration parameters
- support I/O operation
- channelPipeline to handle all I/O event
- all I/O operations are asynchronous
- channel are hierarchical
- depend on how it was created, socketChannel parent is ServerSocketChannel
- downcast to access transport-specific operation
- release resource
- close() or close(ChannelPromise)
- SimpleChannelInboundHandler
- extends from ChannelHandlerAdapter
- rewrite the channelRead0, channelRead to release message by ReferenceCountUtil
- bind(InetAddress)
- validate group and child
- init(Channel)
- Channel has ChannelConfig and Attribute(AttributeMap)
- After 4.1, Channel and ChannelHandlerContext Attr has same scope
- set channelOptions
- ChannelOption allow to config ChannelConfig in safety way
- T is type of ChannelOption
- extends from AbstractConstant implments Constants
- ChannelOptions only contains Id/name but not value, ChannelOptions is constants created from Constants Pool
- ChannelConfig
- map key value, Map<ChannelOption, Object>
- set AttributeKey
- extends from AbstractConstant
- AttributeMap<AttributeKey, Attribute>
- create NioServerSocketChannel via channelFactory
- extends from AbstractChannel, AbstractChannel init the channelPipeline
- selectable channel from java.nio
- set the channel config
- initial AdaptiveRecvByteBufAllocator, start with 64, increase 16[512], multiple 2 to out of memory
- AdaptiveRecvByteBufAllocator.HandleImpl to return next buffur size
- ByteBuffAllocator to allocate memory
- Android use heap buffer
- io.netty.nounsafe use heap buff
- sun.mics.unsafe to allocate direct buff
- set the channel config
- set the blocking as false
- set interest accept operation
- set channel options and attribute
- get pipeline to add ChannelInitializer, this is default ChannelInitializer for ServerSocketChannel
- add ChannelInitializer to last of pipeline
- ChannelInitializer extends from ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter
- ChannelInitializer setup pipeline and ChannelInitializer is a ChannelHandler
- ChannelHandlerContext
- Enables a ChannelHandler to interact with its ChannelPipeline and other handlers.
- Modify the pipeline, A handler can modify the ChannelPipeline it belongs to dynamically.
- A handler can have more than one context, a handler instance can be added into more than one ChannelPipeline, then more than one ChannelHandlerContext
- generate default name for ChannelHandler
- Create ChannelHandlerContext, bridge between ChannelPipeline and ChannelHandler
- addLast to add handler between tail.prev and tail
- trigger ChannelHandler's handlerAdd method
- ChannelHandlerContext
- Channel is not registered yet
- add PendingHandlerAddedTask(ctx) to trigger handlerAdd method later
- add ServerBootstrapAcceptor to ServerSocketChannel to accept the connection
- register
- config: return ServerBootstrapConfig
- group: return NioEventLoopGroup extends MultithreadEventLoopGroup
- register: EventExecutorChooser use round-robin to choose next EventExecutor
- Chooser is create from DefaultEventExecutorChooserFactory
- PowerOfTwoEventExecutorChooser and GenericEventExecutorChooser use round robin
- SingleThreadEventLoop: execute all its submitted task in single thread
- use DefaultChannelPromise to register
- verify is current thread is SingleThreadEventLoop
- register SelectableChannel to Selector
- Chooser is create from DefaultEventExecutorChooserFactory
- One EventLoopGroup contains one or more than one EventLoop
- One EventLoop is binding to one Thread
- All EventLoop deal with all I/O event with binding Thread
- One Channel is registered in one EventLoop
- One EventLoop is assigned to one or more than one Channel
- Channel is thread-safe, Channel create a task and let it executed in EventLoop
- Time-consuming task should not in Handlers
- JDK: get ExecutorServices in handlers
- Netty: pipeline pass EventExecutor
- Structure
- Read Request
- Decode request
- Process service
- Encode reply
- Send reply
- Classic Service
- Client send request
- each handle of thread to read, decode, compute, encode, send
- while (true) { new Thread(new Handler(ss.accept())).start() }
- Divide and Conquer
- process into small task without blocking
- non-blocking read/write
- dispatch IO event
- Reactor
- reactor responds to IO event by dispatching handler
- handler perform non-blocing action
- binding handlers to event
- implementation I
- Overview
- Reactor init to interst OP_ACCEPT
- OP_ACCEPT Key bind to Acceptor
- Acceptor accept connection and create Handler
- Handler interest OP_READ
- Selector.selector for loop the SelectionKey
- Reactor
- Constructor()
- open selector
- register server channel to selector to get SelectionKey
- selectionKey for op_accept to attach to Acceptor(selector)
- Run()
- selecotor.select(); while (Iterator(selectionKeySet)) { dispatch((selectionKey)it.next())}
- dispatch() { selectionKey.attachment().run()}
- this selectionKey.attachement() is Acceptor or Handler
- Constructor()
- Acceptor
- Runnable for severSocketChannel to accept()
- call new Handler(selector, socketChannel)
- Handler
- Constructor()
- register selector with OP_READ
- selectionKey attach this Handler
- Run()
- handle read/write request
- Constructor()
- Overview
- Components:
- handle (SelectionKey)
- provided by system for event description
- event from outside, e.g. connection, data.
- event from inside, e.g. schedule task
- Synchronous Event Demultiplexer
- Selector
- wait for event, select(), poll()
- EventHandler
- callback for particular event
- ConcreteEventHandler
- implementation of EventHandler
- bussiness logic in callback
- Initialization Dispatcher
- Reactor, provide event registration
- dispatch handler to handle the event
- handle (SelectionKey)
- Flow
- Channel register to Initiation Dispatcher with event which is linked by Handle
- Initiation Dispatcher ask event's Handle when event happen
- After registeration, handle_vent will bootstrap Initiation Dispatcher, use Demultiplexer to wait for event happen
- when event's Handle is ready, Demultiplexer will notify Initiation Dispatcher
- Initiation Dispatcher execute Event Handler's callback for event's Handle with particular type
- Worker Threads
- handler will slow down reactor
- offload non-IO processing to other thread
- thread pool to control the handler
- Multi-Reactor
- multi selector
- main reactor link to acceptor, interest on OP_CONNECT
- sub reactor link to handler, interest on OP_READ
- Dispatcher
- Server
- Acceptor register handler() to Dispatcher
- Dispatcher init and select()
- client connnect to dispatcher
- Dispatcher call Acceptor handle_event()
- Acceptor accept and create Handler
- Handler register handler() to Dispatcher
- BossGroup and WorkerGroup have different selector
- Server
- channel method go through every handler
- channelContext method will go from current handler, short circuit
- server and client use same event loop
- HeapBuf
- Good: store data in JVM heap, direct access byte[]
- Bad: I/O will copy data to directBuf
- DirectBuf
- allow memory out of JVM.
- Good: high performance for socket IO
- Bad: allocate/release memory is more complicated than HeapBuf, no direct access byte[]
- Notes
- Netty deal with BufPool
- Business logic in HeapBuf, I/O in DirectBuf
- CompositeBuf
- Unpooled rather than calling an individual implementation's constructor.
- Random access: index
- Sequential access: readerIndex and writeIndex
- 0 < readerIndex < writerIndex < capacity
- o - readerIndex: discardable bytes
- readerIndex - writerIndex: readable bytes
- writable - capacity: writable bytes
- readerIndex move only reading: isReable() to verify if more buff to read
- writerIndex move only writing: maxWritableBytes() >= 4[base on data type]
- discardReadBytes(): move the readerIndex and writerIndex
- clear(): reset readerIndex and writeIndex
- duplicate(): shadow copy, a derived buffer have independent readerIndex and writeIndex. But refer to same copy if data.
- copy(): deep copy, copy data and index
- toString(Charset): to convert to string
- Netty buff seperate via readerIndex and writexIndex
- Netty buff throw IndexOutOfBoundsException if readerIndex greater than writerIndex
- Netty buff maintain readerIndex or writeIndex for I/O
- Netty buff default size is Integer.MAX_VALUE
- JKD buff bytes[] is final, unable to increase/decrease size after allocation
- JDK buff only use one position for index, read/write via flip()
- retain() + 1 and release() -1
- referencedCounted container of other object implement referenceCounted
- 0 will be deallocated
- for loop to use AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.compareAndSet
- object which field currently handle
- only update if expect value = current value
- update success will break the loop
- only guarantee atomically only with respect to other invocations of compareAndSet
- only one static AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater for all AbstractReferenceCounted object
- last method set the ref to zero to release buff memory space
- derived buff will not change referenceCount. e.g. buff from duplicated()
- derived buff should invoke retain() method if need to use buffer to prevent orginal buff to release
private static final AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater<AbstractReferenceCounted> refCntUpdater = AtomicIntegerFieldUpdater.newUpdater(AbstractReferenceCounted.class, "refCnt");
for (;;) {
int refCnt = this.refCnt;
if (refCnt < decrement) {
throw new IllegalReferenceCountException(refCnt, -decrement);
if (refCntUpdater.compareAndSet(this, refCnt, refCnt - decrement)) {
if (refCnt == decrement) {
return true;
return false;
- must be int data type
- must be volatile
- visible by thread
- must be non static
- only visible for scope, not for others, e.g reflection
- Inbound messages
- ChannelHandler release buffer, try {read} finally {buff.release()}
- Outbound messages
- outbound message created by application
- write should release the buff
- ChannelInboundHandler and ChannelOutboundHandler
- Encoding/Decoding all are handlers
- Encoding: char to bytes[], ChannelOutboundHandler
- Decoding: bytes[] to char, ChannelInboudnHandler
- Encoder & Decoder must match the type for encoding/decoding, otherwise this encoder or decorder will not be executed
- Decoder need to verify the length of readable bytes
- convert to ByteBuf
- Frame detection
- ensure enough bytes in buffer from complete frame by checking readableBytes()
- not sharable
- extends from ByteToMessageDecorder
- allow you to implement the decode() and decodeLast() method just like all required bytes were received already
- wrapper ReplayDecorderBuf, throw error is not enough data in buffer
- rewind the readerIndex and call decode method again if more data received in buffer
- limitation
- some buffer operation are prohibited
- performance maybe worse if network is slow
- improve performance
- use checkpoint to record status
switch (state()) {
length = buf.readInt();
ByteBuf frame = buf.readBytes(length);
throw new Error("Shouldn't reach here.");
- splits ByteBuf dynamically by value of length field. Header with integer represent the length of message body
- proprietary client-server protocals.
- property
- lengthFieldOffset
- lengthFieldLength
- lengthAdjustment: -2 to include the 2 bytes header
- initialBytesToStrip
- TCP is stream protocal
- no boudary in message
- receive more than one packet at same time
- response data is less than buffer, packet two message to delivery
- response data is greater than buffer
- MTU maximum Transmission Unit, exceed MTU must be unpack
- Fix Length
- easy to implment but not efficient
- waste space
- FixLengthFrameDecoder to decode
- framelength
- Delimiter
- easy to implment but not efficient
- special character required parse
- DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder to decode
- support multiple delimiters
- Fix Length + Data
- length field to read, body is data
- max length is predicate, recommended
- LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder to decode
- lengthFieldOffset: offset in length field
- lengthFieldLength: length of length field
- lengthAdjustment: info between length field and data
- initialBytesToStrip: can be used to strip the length field
- LengthFieldPrepender to encode
- convert stream data to user data
- channelRead: read data save via cumulator
- Cumulator
- MERGE_CUMULATOR: memory copy, default cumulator
- COMPOSITE_CUMULATOR: add component to List
- Cumulator
- callDecoe: all FrameDecorder extend ByteToMessageDecoder to implement decode()
- convert user data to java object
- consideration factor
- space usage
- speed
- human readable
- language support
- Typical Multiple encoding & decoding
- json
- protobuf
- xml
- base64
- communication point crash
- communication unreachable
- communication too busy to handle
- connection broken
- no data communication after 7500, send 9 probe message, interval 75 = 2 hours 11 min
- OS TCP parameter
- net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_time = 7200
- net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75
- net.ipv4.tcp_keepalive_probes = 9
- release idle connection, client need to reconnect to server
- IdleStateHandler
- readerIdleTime: timeout for read
- writerIdleTime: timeout for write
- allIdleTime: timeout for read/write
- IdleStateEvent is triggered by read/write/all timeout event, sequent Handler handle timeout event by type
public class HeartBeatServerChannelInitializer extends ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel> {
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(new IdleStateHandler(5, 7, 10, TimeUnit.SECONDS));
pipeline.addLast(new HeartBeatServerChannelHandler());
public class HeartBeatServerChannelHandler extends ChannelInboundHandlerAdapter {
public void userEventTriggered(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Object evt) throws Exception {
if (! (evt instanceof IdleStateEvent))
IdleStateEvent event = (IdleStateEvent) evt;
System.out.println(ctx.channel().remoteAddress() + " Timeout: " + eventType);
- atomic: execute all or none
- visible: visible change to others
- orderable: execution sequence
- Permisitic, Optimitic
- Fair, Unfaire
- Shared, Exclusive
- Synchronized block: minimum the sync scope
- Volatile primary type + Static AtomicFieldUpdater
- save space compared to AtomicLong
- volatile long = 8 bytes
- AtomicLong = 32 bytes
- LongAdder: compare to AtomicLong in high concurrency after JDK8
- MpscChunkedArrayQueue
- LinkedBlockingQueue: multi producer, mutli consumer
- MpscChunkedArrayQueue: multi producer, single consumer
- ThreadLocal
- overall parallel + part serialize = one queue + multithread
- avoid the context switch
- consume less memory, reduce GC
- run faster
- use primary type, not wrapper type
- use static variable, not member variable
- use object pool, e.g. Apache Commons Pool, io.netty.util.Recycler
- Zero-Copy
- compositeByteBuf: use List instead of copying
- unpooled.wrappedBuffer(bytes): wrap instead of copying
- transferTo(): jdk function, zero copy
- off heap: avoid GC and copy
- UnpooledByteBuf: default for android
- PooledByteBuf: default for other platform
- get(): recycler pop buf from stack
- deallocate(): recycler put buf to stack
- ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(initCapacity) to allocate the direct buffer
- create selector
- create serverSocketChannel
- init serverSocketChannel
- assign NioEventLoop to serverSocketChannel from bossGroup
- register serverSocketChannel to NioEventLoop's selector
- bind address
- accept OP_ACCEPT to selector
- NioEventLoopGroup
- Both for bossGroup and workerGroup
- [Multiple|Single]EventExecutorGroup: MultipleEventExecutorGroup() to init EventExecutor[n]
- NioEventLoop: implements EventExecutor to initial selector
- ServerBootstrap
- bind the server to port
- AbstractBootstrap inovke initAndRegister()
- Initialization
- ReflectiveChannelFactory init channel as NioServerSocketChannel
- create channel's pipeline and add ChannelInitializer
- ChannelInitializer's tasks
- add handler channel's pipeline, e.g LoggingHandler
- add ServerBootstrapAcceptor to channel's pipeline
- ChannelInitializer's tasks
- remove ChannelInitializer from channel's pipeline
- ChannelPipeline(LoggingHandler, ServerBootstrapAcceptor)
- Registration
- SingleThreadEventLoop put register task and put into NioEventLoop
- SingleThreadEventExecutor start thread for NioEventLoopGroup + NioEventLoopGroup
- register NioEventLoopGroup'selector to NioServerSocketChannel
- interest ops is OP_READ
- DefaultChannelPipeline
- DefaultChannelPipeline bind NioServerSocketChannel to port
- FireChannelActive
- fireChannelActive event to AbstractNioChannel to register OP_ACCPT to selector
- Initialization
# 1. NioEventLoop: open Selector
final SelectorTuple selectorTuple = openSelector();
# 2. NioServerSocketChannel: instance by ReflectiveChannelFactory(NioServerSocketChannel.class)
channel = channelFactory.newChannel();
# 3. NioServerSocketChannel[bossGroup]: Register OP_READ to NioServerSocketChannel
selectionKey = javaChannel().register(eventLoop().unwrappedSelector(), 0, this);
# 4. DefaultChannelPipeline: Bind address to NioServerSocketChannel
javaChannel().bind(localAddress, config.getBacklog());
# 5. Pipeline‘fireChannelActiveEvent: readInterestOp is 16
selectionKey.interestOps(interestOps | readInterestOp);
- NioEventLoop poll OP_ACCEPT from selector
- create socketChannel
- assign NioEventLoop from workerGroup
- register socketChannel to NioEventLoop's selector
- register OP_READ to selector
- NioEventLoop
- invoke run() to listen OP_ACCEPT event
- invoke processSelectedKey() to process selectedKey
- NioServerSocketChannel
- invoke doReadMessage to accept OP_ACCT to create SocketChannel
- Pipeline
- fireChannelRead event
- ServerBootstrap register workerGroup NioSocketChannel in channelRead()
- AbstractNioChannel register workGroup's Selector to SelectionKey
- fireChannelReadComplete event
- add OP_READ into selectionKey
- fireChannelRead event
# 1. NioEventLoop: run loop to select key
# 2. NioServerSocketChannel: create SocketChannel
SocketChannel ch = SocketUtils.accept(javaChannel());
# 3. Pipeline‘fireChannelReadEvent[workerGroup]: ServerBootstrap to register childGroup
childGroup.register(child).addListener(new ChannelFutureListener())
selectionKey = javaChannel().register(eventLoop().unwrappedSelector(), 0, this);
# 4. Pipeline‘fireChannelReadCompleteEvent[workerGroup]: NioSocketChannel add OP_READ into selectionKey
selectionKey.interestOps(interestOps | readInterestOp);
- AdaptiveRecByteBufAllocator
- guess buffer for next time, default size is 1024
- [16, 32, 48.. 512], increase 16 for i++, decrease for consective 2 times unfull reading
- [512, 1024, 2048...], increae till overflow, increase if full reading current time
- DefaultMaxMessagePerRead: consective read data
- Method
- write: ChannelOutboundBuffer.addMessage
- flush
- ChannelOutboundBuffer.addFlush
- NioSocketChannel.doWrite
- writeAndFlush
- Beware
- register OP_WRITE and invoke later if currently unwriteable, OP_WRITE means writable
- adjust maxBytesPerGatheringWirte if flush all last time
- continue write till unwriteable or flush 16 times (writeSpinCount)
- writeBufferWaterMark.high() indicate data waiting to write exceed threshold
- allocate 1024 byte buff
- read data from Channel into byteBuff
- record received data size to precidate size for next time
- trigger pipeline.fireChannelRead(byteBuf)
- DefaultChannelPipeline.HeadContext invoke channelRead
- find the next Handler able to execute channelRead()
- inbound
- Head, Context[Handler], Context[Handler], Tail
- Handler implments ChannelInboundHandler
- channelRead() does not have @Skip
- outbound
- Tail, Context[Handler], Context[Handler], Head
- ChannelOutboundBuffer.addMessage to write message to List
- ChannelOutboundBuffer.addFlush to point flushedEntry to unflushedEntry
- NioSocketChannel.doWrite to write data to channel
- ChannelHandlerContext.channel().write: write from TailContext
- ChannelHandlerContext.write: write from current Context
- DefaultChannelPipeline.HeadContext invoke channelRead
- verify if byteBuf is full
- true: consective read till 16 times
- false: wait for next OP_READ
1. NioEventLoop to read the data
2. ReadBuf into List<Object> till nothing left or 16 ByteBufs
do {
int localRead = doReadMessages(readBuf);
} while (allocHandle.continueReading());
3. Fire ChannelRead event for each ByteBufs
4. Fire ChannelReadComplete event after all ByteBuf sent
- AbstractNioByteChannel
- release ByteBuf
- set ChannelOutboundBuffer to null
- AbstractSelectableChannel
- selectionKey.cancel() to remove key from Selector
- AbstractNioChannel remove key from Selector incase direct invoke deregister()
- Pipeline
- fireChannelInactiveAndDeregister event
- fireChannelUnregister event
- normal to return 1
- abnormal to throw IO Exception
1. Channel close and release tyepBuf
2. Cancel selectionKey
- [bossGroup|workerGroup].shutdownGracefully()
- verify State is close [Begin Loop]
- close all channel
- bossGroup close NioServerSocketChannel
- workerGroup close NioSocketChannel
- execute task/hooks
- verify if exceed gracefulShutdownTimeout
- exit application if exceed timeout
- continue to check gracefulShutdownQuietPeriod
- verify if exceed gracefulShutdownQuietPeriod
- exit application if exceed timeout
- if task/hooks executed in quiet period to start loop again
- verify if exceed gracefulShutdownTimeout
- close all channel
1. NioEventLoop to close channel
ch.unsafe().close() in loop
2. Execute closeTask/Hook
- selector.close()
3. confiremShutdown
compare lastExecutionTime to gracefulShutdownQuietPeriod
- Define data structure and encoding/decoding
- data encoding/decoding
- data compression
- sticky pack and half pack
- client
- server
- Best Pratice in Netty
- Known issue in Netty
- Learn from other project using Netty
- Diagnose & Measurement
- error collection
- performance collection
- Auth
- AuthOperation
- AuthOperationResult
- Order
- OrderOperation
- OrderOperationResult
- Keeplive
- KeepliveOperation
- KeepliveOperationResult
- Message
- MessasgeHeader:
- length
- version
- streamId
- opCode: indicate different operation
- MessageBody
- RequestMessage inherit MessageBody
- request attributes
- execute() to return response
- ResponseMessage inherit MessageBody
- response attributes
- RequestMessage inherit MessageBody
- decode
- decode ByteBuf to MessageHeader and MessageBody
- encode
- encode MesssageHeader and MessageBody to ByteBuf
- MessasgeHeader:
- Inbound
- FrameDecoder extends LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder
- convert TCP stream data to expected ByteBuf
- set lengthFieldLength, lengthFieldOffset, lengthAdjustment, initialBytesToStrip
- ProtocalDecoder extends MessageToMessageDecoder
- covert ByteBuf to java object
- BusinessLayerHandler extends SimpleChannelInboundHandler
- handler bussiness logic
- writeFlush ResponseMessage
- FrameDecoder extends LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder
- Outbound
- ProtocalEncoder extends MessageToMessageEncoder
- convert ResponseMessage to ByteBuf
- FrameEncoder extends LengthFieldPrepender
- set lenghtFieldLength
- ProtocalEncoder extends MessageToMessageEncoder
- add Handler to convert Operation to RequestMessage
- Dispatchd Response
- send request: save [requestId, Future] into ResponseDispatcherHandler's requestPendingCentor
- receive response: save result into ResponseDispatcherHandler's requestPendingCentor's Future
- set initialBytesToStrip in Decoder to strip the lengthField
- handler sequence
- handle stream data to ByteBuf
- handle ByteBuf to java object
- sharable Handler: share with pipeline
- exclusive Handler: not share
- BufferAllocation
- ctx.alloc().buff() is recommended
- SimpleInboundHandler to auto release buffer
- ctx.writeAndFlush() to flush data from current pipeline
- Linux
- "ulimit -n 60000" to adjust open maxium number of file
- System
- "-Dio.netty.param"
- io.netty.eventLoopThreads: availableProcess * 2
- io.netty.availableProcessors: run in docker or VM
- io.netty.allocator.type: unpooled or pooled
- io.netty.noPreferDirect: heap or off-heap
- io.netty.leakDetection.level: default is SIMPLE
- Netty
- SocketChannel
- SO_SNDBUF: send buf, linux dynamic adjust
- SO_RCVBUF: receive buff, linux dynamic adjust
- SO_REUSEADDR: reuse address
- SO_LINGER: delay close socket
- IP_TOS: ip packet priority
- TCP_NODELAY: merge small tcp packet to send, set to True
- CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MILLIS: connection timeout, e.g. 30s
- ALLOCATOR: allocate memory from place
- RCVBU_ALLOCATOR: allocate how much space
- ServerSocketChannel
- SO_RCVBUF: use for accept
- SO_BACKLOG: size of waiting queue, e.g. bind(address< config.getBacklog()), set to 1024
- SocketChannel
- threadPool: NioEventLoopGroup bossGroup = new NioEventLoopGroup(1, new DefaultThreadFactory("boss"));
- handler: pipeline.addLast("debegLog", debugLogHandler);
- External
- channelActive/channelInactive
- channelRead
- exceptionCaught
- Internal
- thread number
- exeuctor.pendingTasks()
- channelOutboundBuffer.totalPendingSize
- userEventTrigger for IdleStateEvent
MetricRegistry metricRegistry = new MetricRegistry();
metricRegistry.register("totalConnectionCount", (Gauge<Long>)() -> totalConnectionCount.longValue());
ConsoleReporter consoleReporter = ConsoleReporter.forRegistry(metricRegistry).build();
consoleReporter.start(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
JmxReporter jmxReporter = JmxReporter.forRegistry(metricRegistry).build();
- Forget release buff
- off heap: PlatformDependent.freeDirectBuffer(buff)
- pool: recyclerHandler.recycle(buff)
- ResourceLeakDetector
- allocate buff: DefaultResourceLeak add to List
- release buff: DefaultResourceLeak removed from List
- WeakReference add to ReferenceQueue to compare
- io.netty.util.ResourceLeakDetector.Leavl=PARANOID
- only detect after GC
- @Sharable: share by pipeline
- @Skip: skip handler
- @UnstableApi: not recommend to use
- CPU bound: Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2
- IO bound
- independent IO thread pool
- JDK Executors
- EventExecutorGroup
- independent IO thread pool
UnorderedThreadPoolEventExecutor business = new UnorderedThreadPoolEventExecutor(10, new DefaultThreadFactory("business"));
serverBootstrap.childHandler(new ChannelInitializer<NioSocketChannel>() {
protected void initChannel(NioSocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline pipeline = ch.pipeline();
pipeline.addLast(business, "orderHandler", new OrderServerProcessHandler());
- flush data in channelReadComplete() method
- not suitable for async
- only flush at end or 16 times read
- flushConsolidationHandler
- pipeline.addLast("flushEnhance", new FlushConsolidationHandler(5, true));
- incease delay, increase througput
- checkInterval to adjust, writeLimit/readLimit set to 0 to turn off
- GlobalTrafficShapingHandler: shared
- writeGlobalLimit, writeChannlLimit
- readGlobalLimit, readChannlLimit
- ChannelTrafficShapingHandler
- GlobalChannelTrafficShapingHandler: shared
- ChannelOutboundBuffer
- compare totalPendingSize to writeBufferWaterMark.high()
- writeBufferWaterMark.high() to 32k - 64k
- TranfficShapingHandler
- compare queueSize to maxWriteSize
- compare delay to maxWriteDelay
- maxWrite: 4M, channel
- maxGlobalWriteSize: 400M
- maxWriteDelay: 4s
- Check channel is writable
- Server
- extends IdleStateHandler and drop connection in channelIdle()
- Client
- add IdleStateHandler
- add Handler to implements userEventTriggered method to send the KeepLive message
- RuleBasedIpFilter
- IpSubnetFilterRule: check the cidrPrefix
- AuthHandler
- auth the operation and remove it self after done
protected void channelRead0(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, RequestMessage msg) throws Exception {
try {
Operation operation = msg.getMessageBody();
if (operation instanceof AuthOperation) {
AuthOperation authOperation = AuthOperation.class.cast(operation);
AuthOperationResult authOperationResult = authOperation.execute();
if (authOperationResult.isPassAuth()) {
log.info("pass auth");
} else {
log.error("failed to auth");
} else {
log.info("expect first msg is auth");
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
- provide encryption in transport layer
- client generate random number sent to server
- server generate random number sent back to client
- client generate symetric key based on random number and encrypt by server public key
- client send public_key[symetric_key] to sever
- server decrypt by private key to get symetric key