A simple SQL template engine for Spring Boot applications.
Bootiful SQL Template is a simple wrapper of org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate
and org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate
which offers following extension.
- fluent API
- reading SQL template file (plain SQL files or FreeMarker template files)
- binding to/from value object and
and series of simple objects - binding to/from public fields of value object besides private fields with accessor methods
- supports JSR-310 time types such as
. - supports time zones
- Add dependency in your
or other build tool's configuration file.
- Create application class or configuration class of your Spring Boot application as follows.
public class ApplicationConfig {
public SqlTemplate sqlTemplate(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate) {
return new SqlTemplate(jdbcTemplate, namedParameterJdbcTemplate);
- Create an SQL file in the classpath. (cf. src/main/resources/sql/selectAll.sql)
select * from emp
- Create a data access class having SqlTemplate bean as an
property. Then the data access method can call the forObject / forList / update / query methods of the SqlTemplate class.
public class SampleProcess {
protected SqlTemplate template;
public void process() {
List<Emp> emps = template.forList("sql/selectAll.sql", Emp.class);
emps.forEach(e -> System.out.println(e.ename)); // SMITH ... MILLER