Releases: domaframework/doma
What's Changed
- Refactor GitHub Actions workflows (#1298) @nakamura-to
- Refactor RoundContext (#1296) @nakamura-to
Dependency Upgrades
- Update dependency org.slf4j:slf4j-api to v2.0.17 (#1295) @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.17 (#1294) @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency gradle to v8.13 (#1293) @renovate[bot]
Full Changelog: 3.5.0...3.5.1
What's Changed
- Support overriding identity column values during inserts by @nakamura-to in #1297
Full Changelog: 3.3.0...3.3.1
What's Changed
📢 INFORMATION: In this version, we have made substantial changes to the annotation processor code. Although our tests have not revealed any issues, if you notice any unusual behavior compared to previous versions, please don't hesitate to let us know.
New Features
- Simplify the definition of external domain classes (#1291) @nakamura-to
- Add
to simplify the construction ofConfig
(#1290) @nakamura-to
Bug Fixes
- Recognize external domain metadata generated in a different module (#1284) @nakamura-to
- Enhance error message for unsupported persistent type (#1292) @nakamura-to
- Switch to
for improved entity handling (#1283) @nakamura-to
Dependency Upgrades
- Update org.junit.jupiter to v5.12.0 (#1289) @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency org.testcontainers:testcontainers-bom to v1.20.5 (#1288) @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.49.1.0 (#1287) @renovate[bot]
Full Changelog: 3.4.0...3.5.0
What's Changed
New Features
- Support creating an aggregate using arbitrary SELECT statements (#1274)(#1281)(#1282) @nakamura-to
Bug Fixes
- Fix self-referential association duplication issue (#1278) @nakamura-to
- Use
instead ofindentWithSpaces
(#1273) @nakamura-to
Dependency Upgrades
- Update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.49.0.0 (#1280) @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency to v23. (#1279) @renovate[bot]
- Update gradle/actions action to v4.3.0 (#1277) @renovate[bot]
- Update org.jetbrains.kotlin to v2.1.10 (#1276) @renovate[bot]
- Update dependency gradle to v8.12.1 (#1272) @renovate[bot]
Full Changelog: 3.3.0...3.4.0
What's Changed
📢 INFORMATION: This version does not include any breaking changes, but the migration guide may still be helpful when upgrading. See
New Features
- Add duplicate column detection in EntityProvider (#1267) @okurashoichi
- Add support for
list padding in SQL queries (#1254) @nakamura-to - Add SQLite support to the Criteria API (#1259) @nakamura-to
- Collect statistics on SQL execution time (#1253) @nakamura-to
- Add java.lang.Iterable support for IN and NOT IN clauses in DSL (#1257) @taichi
- Enable direct mapping of external domain types to database (#1252) @nakamura-to
- Refactor method name for consistency and readability (#1264) @nakamura-to
- Handle null JdbcMappingHint gracefully and improve SQL log formatting (#1262) @nakamura-to
- Add license headers to all source code files (#1261) @nakamura-to
- Add suppression to deprecated classes and remove unused code (#1256) @nakamura-to
- Remove redundant runtime validation and deprecate unused code (#1255) @nakamura-to
- Refactor test code (#1251) @nakamura-to
- Add SQLite to tested databases in (#1271) @nakamura-to
- Add "Supported by" section to README (#1260) @nakamura-to
- Update Compatibility matrix (#1250) @nakamura-to
Dependency Upgrades
- Update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.48.0.0 (#1270) @renovate
- Update plugin spotless to v7.0.2 (#1269) @renovate
- Update dependency org.postgresql:postgresql to v42.7.5 (#1268) @renovate
- Update plugin spotless to v7 (#1265) @renovate
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.16 (#1263) @renovate
- Update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.47.2.0 (#1258) @renovate
Full Changelog: 3.2.0...3.3.0
What's Changed
New Features
- Add the
option (#1246) @nakamura-to - add convenient factory method to QueryDsl (#1243) @taichi
- Support CTE (#1230) @momosetkn
- Fix Gradle tasks in the ecj job (#1249) @nakamura-to
- Deprecate
, andKNativeSql
(#1248) @nakamura-to - Add an import statement for a class referenced by the Javadoc
tag (#1247) @nakamura-to - Enable integration test building with Eclipse Compiler (#1245) @nakamura-to
- Enable annotation processor testing with Eclipse Compiler (#1242) @nakamura-to
- Add support for Java 23 (#1186) @nakamura-to
- Renaming to QueryDslEntityqlSelectTest (#1229) @momosetkn
Dependency Upgrades
- Update plugin release to v3.1.0 (#1244) @renovate
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.15 (#1241) @renovate
- Update dependency gradle to v8.12 (#1240) @renovate
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.14 (#1239) @renovate
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.13 (#1238) @renovate
- Update gradle/actions action to v4.2.2 (#1237) @renovate
- Update org.junit.jupiter to v5.11.4 (#1236) @renovate
- Update dependency to v1.25.2 (#1235) @renovate
- Update dependency to v1.25.1 (#1234) @renovate
- Update dependency com.pinterest.ktlint:ktlint-cli to v1.5.0 (#1233) @renovate
- Update org.jetbrains.kotlin to v2.1.0 (#1232) @renovate
- Update dependency org.xerial:sqlite-jdbc to v3.47.1.0 (#1231) @renovate
- Update dependency org.testcontainers:testcontainers-bom to v1.20.4 (#1228) @renovate
- Update dependency gradle to v8.11.1 (#1227) @renovate
- Update dependency to v1.25.0 (#1226) @renovate
- Update gradle/actions action to v4.2.1 (#1225) @renovate
- Update gradle/actions action to v4.2.0 (#1224) @renovate
- Update dependency gradle to v8.11 (#1223) @renovate
- Update dependency to v23. (#1222) @renovate
- Update dependency com.pinterest.ktlint:ktlint-cli to v1.4.1 (#1221) @renovate
Full Changelog: 3.1.0...3.2.0
What's Changed
New Features
- Introduce QueryDsl to unify Entityql and NativeSql APIs (#1203) @nakamura-to
Bug Fixes
- Remove potential for NullPointerException (#1219) @nakamura-to
- Fix to enable basic Doma functionality with the latest SQLite (#1218) @nakamura-to
- Fix issue causing error when using classes annotated with
in Criteria API (#1217) @nakamura-to
- Improve build scripts (#1215) @nakamura-to
- Manage library versions in libs.versions.toml (#1205) @nakamura-to
- Update release-draft.yml to run autolabeler (#1200) @nakamura-to
- Use Release Drafter's autolabeler feature (#1199) @nakamura-to
Dependency Upgrades
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.12 (#1214) @renovate
- Update dependency com.pinterest.ktlint:ktlint-cli to v1.4.0 (#1213) @renovate
- Update dependency org.testcontainers:testcontainers-bom to v1.20.3 (#1212) @renovate
- Update org.junit.jupiter to v5.11.3 (#1211) @renovate
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.11 (#1209) @renovate
- Update dependency com.pinterest.ktlint:ktlint-cli to v1 (#1208) @renovate
- Update dependency to v1.24.0 (#1206) @renovate
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.10 (#1204) @renovate
- Update org.jetbrains.kotlin to v2.0.21 (#1202) @renovate
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.9 (#1201) @renovate
- Update org.junit.jupiter to v5.11.2 (#1198) @renovate
- Update dependency org.testcontainers:testcontainers-bom to v1.20.2 (#1196) @renovate
- Update plugin org.domaframework.doma.compile to v3.0.1 (#1195) @renovate
Full Changelog: 3.0.1...3.1.0
What's Changed
📢 INFORMATION: We have also released version 3 of the Doma CodeGen Plugin and Doma Compile Plugin. Please consider using version 3 of these plugins for Doma 3 going forward. Currently, version 2 of the plugins also works without any issues when used with Doma 3.
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue where calling
caused aClassCastException
(#1180) @nakamura-to
- Remove unnecessary processing for retrieving the value of the auto-increment column (#1193) @nakamura-to
- Remove unused code related to SingletonConfig (#1192) @nakamura-to
- Improve batch insertion for entities with auto-increment primary keys. (#1191) @nakamura-to
- Remove unused code from build script (#1190) @nakamura-to
- Restrict Spotless line endings to LF (#1189) @taichi
- Update SQL Server docker image to 2019-CU28-ubuntu-20.04 (#1185) @nakamura-to
Dependency Upgrades
- Update org.domaframework.doma.compile to v3.0.0 (#1194) @nakamura-to
- Update org.junit.jupiter to v5.11.1 (#1188) @renovate
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10.2 (#1187) @renovate
- Update plugin com.diffplug.eclipse.apt to v4.1.0 (#1184) @renovate
- Update gradle/actions action to v4.1.0 (#1183) @renovate
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10.1 (#1182) @renovate
- Update dependency ch.qos.logback:logback-classic to v1.5.8 (#1181) @renovate
Full Changelog: 3.0.0...3.0.1
What's Changed
📢 This version includes BREAKING CHANGES.
Please refer to the Doma-3.x-Migration-Guide for details.
New Features
- Require Java 17 as a mandatory prerequisite (#1159) @nakamura-to
Bug Fixes
- Fix an issue with INSERT IGNORE on auto-increment primary key tables (#1166) @nakamura-to
- Polish the build.gradle.kts file (#1178) @nakamura-to
- Fix issue with duplicate log output in the integration test projects (#1167) @nakamura-to
- Fix CodeQL build failure (#1163)(#1164)(#1165) @nakamura-to
- Remove deprecated code (#1162) @nakamura-to
- Polish (#1179) @nakamura-to
- Update and (#1177) @nakamura-to
Dependency Upgrades
- Update PostgreSQL Docker image to 12.20 (#1176) @nakamura-to
- Update SQL Server JDBC driver to 12.8.1.jre11 (#1175) @nakamura-to
- Update Oracle JDBC driver and Docker image (#1174) @nakamura-to
- Update H2 Database Engine to v2.3.232 (#1173) @nakamura-to
- Update google-java-format to v1.23.0 (#1172) @nakamura-to
Full Changelog: 2.62.1...3.0.0
What's Changed
Bug Fixes
- Fix KJoinDeclaration (#1153) @momosetkn
Dependency Upgrades
- Update gradle/actions action to v4.0.1 (#1160) @renovate
- Update dependency org.postgresql:postgresql to v42.7.4 (#1158) @renovate
- Update org.jetbrains.kotlin to v2.0.20 (#1157) @renovate
- Update dependency gradle to v8.10 (#1155) @renovate
- Update org.junit.jupiter to v5.11.0 (#1154) @renovate
Full Changelog: 2.62.0...2.62.1