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Releases: openzipkin/zipkin-gcp

Zipkin GCP 2.3

17 Feb 01:42
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What's Changed

This updates to Zipkin 3.5 which adds the Pulsar transport

Full Changelog: 2.2.6...2.3.0

Zipkin GCP 2.2.6

05 Dec 09:49
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.2.5...2.2.6

Zipkin GCP 2.2.5

04 Sep 08:41
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What's Changed

  • Fix NPE in brave-encoder-stackdriver when local ip is not set by @oswynb in #225
  • Bumps dependencies by @shakuzen in #226

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.2.4...2.2.5

Zipkin GCP 2.2.4

26 May 02:08
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Zipkin GCP 2.2.4 notably updates to Zipkin 3.4 and Spring Boot 3.3

Zipkin GCP 2.2.3

13 Apr 21:28
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Zipkin GCP 2.2.3 updates to latest dependencies

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Zipkin GCP 2.2.2

18 Feb 04:21
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Zipkin GCP 2.2.2 updates to Zipkin 3.0.6 and fixes a docker openssl error

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Zipkin GCP 2.2.1

25 Jan 04:25
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Zipkin GCP 2.2.1 updates to Zipkin 3.0.5 which supports authenticated service registration in Netflix Eureka.

Zipkin GCP 2.2

15 Jan 04:13
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Zipkin GCP 2.2 migrates to the simpler BytesMessageSender defined in zipkin-reporter 3.2. It also fixes numerous bad links in our documentation.

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Zipkin GCP 2.1

13 Jan 12:36
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Zipkin GCP 2.1 upgrades the server module to run on Zipkin 3, changing the floor Java version for server modules to JRE 17.

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Zipkin GCP 2.0

09 Jan 23:45
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Zipkin GCP 2.0 is a major upgrade using Brave 6 and Zipkin Reporter 3.1. Notably, this version allows applications traced with Brave to have no zipkin dependency.

Here are the new artifacts supporting this change:

  • zipkin-encoder-stackdriver: StackdriverEncoder.V2 encoder from before
    • Moved to the package zipkin2.reporter.stackdriver.zipkin
    • The new package and artifact were required to remove zipkin core dependencies from zipkin-sender-stackdriver.
  • brave-encoder-stackdriver: new StackdriverV2Encoder which has no zipkin core dependency

Most won't use StackdriverEncoder.V2 anymore, as it is more efficient to use zipkin-reporter-brave directly like so:

spanHandler = AsyncZipkinSpanHandler.newBuilder(sender).build(new StackdriverV2Encoder(Tags.ERROR));

Thanks for your patience and enjoy the cleaner dependency tree!

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