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@github-actions github-actions released this 05 Jan 11:21
· 78 commits to main since this release

v0.19.0 (Jan 5, 2025)


  • Two new commands for reasoning about target node's memory footprint:

    # displays a breakdown in bytes
    rabbitmqadmin show memory_breakdown_in_bytes --node 'rabbit@hostname'
    # displays a breakdown in percent
    rabbitmqadmin show memory_breakdown_in_percent --node 'rabbit@hostname'

    Example output of show memory_breakdown_in_percent:

     │ key                                    │ percentage │
     │ total                                  │ 100%       │
     │ Binary heap                            │ 45.10%     │
     │ Allocated but unused                   │ 23.45%     │
     │ Quorum queue ETS tables                │ 23.05%     │
     │ Other processes                        │ 5.32%      │
     │ Other (used by the runtime)            │ 4.98%      │
     │ Code                                   │ 4.54%      │
     │ Client connections: others processes   │ 3.64%      │
     │ Management stats database              │ 3.48%      │
     │ Client connections: reader processes   │ 3.22%      │
     │ Plugins and their data                 │ 3.12%      │
     │ Other (ETS tables)                     │ 1.55%      │
     │ Metrics data                           │ 0.66%      │
     │ AMQP 0-9-1 channels                    │ 0.40%      │
     │ Message store indices                  │ 0.27%      │
     │ Atom table                             │ 0.24%      │
     │ Client connections: writer processes   │ 0.19%      │
     │ Quorum queue replica processes         │ 0.10%      │
     │ Stream replica processes               │ 0.07%      │
     │ Mnesia                                 │ 0.02%      │
     │ Metadata store                         │ 0.02%      │
     │ Stream coordinator processes           │ 0.02%      │
     │ Classic queue processes                │ 0.00%      │
     │ Metadata store ETS tables              │ 0.00%      │
     │ Stream replica reader processes        │ 0.00%      │
     │ Reserved by the kernel but unallocated │ 0.00%      │

    Note that there are two different supported strategies for computing memory footprint of a node. RabbitMQ uses both and takes the greater value for 100% when computing the relative
    share in percent for each category. Other factors that can affect the precision of percentage values reported are runtime allocator behavior nuances and the kernel page cache.