Create and manage MySQL dumps locally and on AWS Glacier
Note: dumpfreeze is under heavy development, do not use for vital services
Depends on mysqldump being in your system path. This is typically provided by your distro in a mysql|mariadb-client package.
git clone
cd dumpfreeze
pip install --user .
Make sure your AWS credentials are located in ~/.aws/credentials
dumpfreeze uses a local sqlite database to keep track of the inventory. By default this is located at ~/.dumpfreeze/inventory.db
In general commands follow the format: dumpfreeze noun verb --options UUID
For any subcommand, append --help to view usage and options.
Create a backup:
dumpfreeze backup create DATABASE
Upload a backup to AWS Glacier:
dumpfreeze backup upload --vault VAULTNAME UUID
Delete a backup:
dumpfreeze backup delete UUID
List backups in local inventory:
dumpfreeze backup list
Delete an archive:
dumpfreeze archive delete UUID
List archives in local inventory:
dumpfreeze archive list
Initiate a retrieval job for an archive:
dumpfreeze archive retrieve UUID
This command will initiate an AWS Glacier retrieval job. Due to the nature of Glacier, archives are not immediately available. A secondary command, dumpfreeze poll-jobs
will check all active jobs for completion, and if complete will grab the actual archive and store it as a local backup. A retrieval job typically takes 3-5 hours, and will expire sometime after 24 hours of completion. Because of this, the poll-jobs command should be run periodically as a cron job.
Create virtualenv:
virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
Install Dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python -m dumpfreze.main --help
dumpfreeze is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for full text.