Spring Cloud Data Flow 2.11.2
Dependent Projects and Compatibility
Component | Version |
Spring Cloud Dataflow Build | 2.11.2 |
Spring Cloud Dataflow Common | 2.11.2 |
Spring Cloud Deployer | 2.9.2 |
Spring Cloud Deployer Local | 2.9.2 |
Spring Cloud Deployer CF | 2.9.2 |
Spring Cloud Deployer K8S | 2.9.2 |
Spring Cloud Common Security Config | 2.11.2 |
Spring Cloud Skipper | 2.11.2 |
Spring Cloud Dataflow UI | 3.4.2 |
Spring Cloud Dataflow | 2.11.2 |
#5593 Update logback to handle CVE-2023-6378
spring-cloud/spring-cloud-deployer#407 CF Deployer needs to use LogCacheClient to retrieve logs
spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-ui#1974 Creating Schedule of Task prevents version property
spring-cloud/spring-cloud-dataflow-ui#1944 Task Execution Log doesn't scroll horizontally
#5615 Unable to sort tasks by Schema Target
#5611 Update to Spring Cloud 2021.0.9
#5609 Remove of JOB_CONFIGURATION_LOCATION broke some queries
#5591 The BOOT3 batch schema has old columns in table
#5576 Mariadb Schema needs to change BOOT3 Sequence tabels to sequences.
#5568 Schedule Task with Arguments and Properties does not work
#5564 Check dependencies for Spring Boot 2.7.18
#5561 Update Spring Boot 2.7.18
#5522 Update to Spring Boot 2.7.17
#5557 Step Context section is not populated on the UI
#5551 Batch Remote Parititioning does not pass Boot3 info to partitions
#5549 getJobExecutionsWithStepCountFilteredByTaskExecutionId in JdbcSearchableJobExecutionDao does not support task prefixes
#5548 Unable to configure Harbor as container registry
#5539 As a developer I need to run Oracle locally on my Mac ARM64
#5534 Task re-launch fails when using BOOT3 and Oracle
#5533 Add Boot3 Support for SimpleJobService
#5531 Unable to navigate through the job execution pages
#5524 Controller /jobs/thinexecutions is very slow with a large amount of job executions and no navigation possible oracle db
#5520 Stopping a batch with Spring Boot 3/Spring Batch 5 doesn't work properly.
#5518 Relaunch of a Spring Boot 3/Spring Batch 5 batch doesn't work properly.
#5507 Add commit info to the about controller
#5496 spring.cloud.dataflow.task.platform.kubernetes.accounts.[platformid].initContainer no longer injects the initContainer
#5484 Inconsistent data when consulting jobs/instances
#5464 Add documentation for launching multiple versions of a task.
#5408 Error during "Clean up all task/job executions"
Kubernetes Deployment scripts updated.