important highlights
(Spring Boot) Support for @ConditionalOnProperty
annotations: completions, navigate to definition and find references
(Spring Boot) Find references support for property keys in @Value
(Spring Boot) Support concatenated Strings for data queries inside @Query
updates to the Spring Tools 4 for Eclipse distribution
all fixes and improvements in detail
(Spring Boot) create more precise range for implicit web annotation names validation #1411
(Spring Boot) analyze memory footprint of newly introduced location information inside of annotation metadata in spring index #1406
(Spring Boot) take setter injection methods into account for new spring index #1405
(Spring Boot) internal index needs more precise location information for annotations and their attributes #1400
(Spring Boot) take property keys inside of annotations into account when looking for property key references #1397
(Spring Boot) Correct typo from 'propeties' to 'properties' #1389
(Spring Boot) improve type proposals for ConditionalOnBean
with shorter labels #1386
(Spring Boot) use DiagnosticTag.Unnecessary for validations that point out unnecessary things #1345
(Spring Boot) add find references support for property keys in @Value
annotation #1306
(Spring Boot) add support for @ConditionalOnProperty
annotations #1305
(Spring Boot) JPQL syntax - Support Concatenated Strings #1262
(Spring Boot) live hover for @ConditionalOnProperty
doesn't work for Boot 3.x #1410
(Spring Boot) content-assist proposals show up for annotation attribute names #1409
(Spring Boot) Refactoring does not work #1408
(Spring Boot) NoSuchFileException
beim AdHocSpringPropertyProvider #1404
(Spring Boot) VSCode - Error reported when using collate on @Query
annotation #1393
(Spring Boot - Eclipse) symbols view in Eclipse seems to slow down (block) the overall UI #1416
(Spring Boot - Eclipse) [Live-Hover] Links to classes in JARs are broken #1390
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