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Generating SSL KeyStores
Our embedded container tests use KeyStores containing self-signed certificates to test various aspects of the container’s SSL support. The KeyStores can be created using the following steps.
Delete the old
KeyStore:rm spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks
Create a new
KeyStore withspring-boot
entries:keytool -genkeypair -storepass secret -keypass password -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -storetype JKS -dname "CN=localhost, OU=Spring, O=VMware, L=Palo Alto, ST=California, C=US" -validity 36500 -alias spring-boot -keyalg RSA -ext "SAN=DNS:localhost,IP:::1,IP:" keytool -genkeypair -storepass secret -keypass password -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -storetype JKS -dname "CN=localhost, OU=Spring, O=VMware, L=Palo Alto, ST=California, C=US" -validity 36500 -alias test-alias -keyalg RSA -ext "SAN=DNS:localhost,IP:::1,IP:"
Delete the old
KeyStore:rm spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.p12
Create a new
KeyStore from the.jks
KeyStore:keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -destkeystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.p12 -deststoretype pkcs12 -srcstorepass secret -deststorepass secret -destkeypass secret
TipUse password
when prompted for the passwords for thespring-boot
entries. -
Create a trusted cert entry (required by Tomcat) in the two new KeyStores:
keytool -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -storepass secret -alias spring-boot -exportcert > exported keytool -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -storepass secret -importcert -file exported -alias spring-boot-cert -noprompt keytool -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.p12 -storepass secret -importcert -file exported -alias spring-boot-cert -noprompt keytool -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -storepass secret -alias test-alias -exportcert > exported keytool -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -storepass secret -importcert -file exported -alias test-alias-cert -noprompt keytool -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.p12 -storepass secret -importcert -file exported -alias test-alias-cert -noprompt rm exported
Export the key and the certificate to PEM files:
rm spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test-cert.pem keytool -exportcert -alias test-alias -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -rfc -file spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test-cert.pem rm spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test-key.pem keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -destkeystore exported -deststoretype PKCS12 -srcalias test-alias openssl pkcs12 -in exported -out spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test-key.pem -nodes rm exported
TipUse secret
when prompted for the keystore passwords or the import password andpassword
when prompted for the key password of thetest-alias
entry. -
List the
entry to find the serial number used to createSerialNumberValidatingTrustSelfSignedStrategy
in the tests:keytool -list -keystore spring-boot-project/spring-boot/src/test/resources/test.jks -v -storepass secret -alias test-alias
Alias name: test-alias Creation date: 19-Aug-2021 Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry Certificate chain length: 1 Certificate[1]: Owner: CN=, OU=Spring, O=VMware, L=Palo Alto, ST=California, C=US Issuer: CN=, OU=Spring, O=VMware, L=Palo Alto, ST=California, C=US Serial number: 18d36252 Valid from: Thu Aug 19 13:40:16 BST 2021 until: Sun Aug 17 13:40:16 BST 2031 Certificate fingerprints: SHA1: CD:1D:C0:EC:6A:EB:01:18:EF:47:9A:6D:5D:28:CF:67:EB:02:AD:E9 SHA256: 44:E8:4A:15:D0:8B:12:5B:51:6A:66:2D:19:82:3C:59:F8:F3:8B:0F:8C:35:60:79:31:FA:FE:86:BB:B6:81:76 Signature algorithm name: SHA256withRSA Subject Public Key Algorithm: 2048-bit RSA key Version: 3 Extensions: #1: ObjectId: Criticality=false SubjectAlternativeName [ IPAddress: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ] #2: ObjectId: Criticality=false SubjectKeyIdentifier [ KeyIdentifier [ 0000: E1 56 CE 8F CB 7B 42 C3 FD 45 D6 1F 5C 6D DB 2B .V....B..E..\m.+ 0010: DE E1 17 82 .... ] ]
In this case, the serial number is
Some smoke tests verify SSL connectivity between a server and client, mostly using two-way (mutual) TLS authentication.
If the tests contain test-*.crt
and test-*.key
files in /src/test/resources/ssl
, the certificates and keys can be created using the following shell script:
generate_cert() {
local name=$1
local cn="$2"
local opts="$3"
local keyfile=${name}.key
local certfile=${name}.crt
[ -f $keyfile ] || openssl genrsa -out $keyfile 2048
openssl req \
-new -sha256 \
-subj "/O=Spring Boot Test/CN=$cn" \
-addext "subjectAltName=DNS:example.com,DNS:localhost,DNS:" \
-key $keyfile | \
openssl x509 \
-req -sha256 \
-CA test-ca.crt \
-CAkey test-ca.key \
-CAserial test-ca.txt \
-CAcreateserial \
-days 3650 \
$opts \
-out $certfile
[ -f test-ca.key ] || openssl genrsa -out test-ca.key 4096
openssl req \
-x509 -new -nodes -sha256 \
-key test-ca.key \
-days 3650 \
-subj '/O=Spring Boot Test/CN=Certificate Authority' \
-addext "subjectAltName=DNS:example.com,DNS:localhost,DNS:" \
-out test-ca.crt
cat > openssl.cnf <<_END_
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = example.com
DNS.2 = localhost
[ server_cert ]
keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
nsCertType = server
[ client_cert ]
keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
nsCertType = client
generate_cert test-server "localhost" "-extfile openssl.cnf -extensions server_cert"
generate_cert test-client "localhost" "-extfile openssl.cnf -extensions client_cert"
rm openssl.cnf
rm test-ca.txt
If the tests contain test-*.p12
files in /src/test/resources/ssl
, the keystores can be created by first running the script above and then converting the certificates and keys to the PKCS12 format with these commands:
openssl pkcs12 -export -legacy -out test-client.p12 -in test-client.crt -inkey test-client.key
openssl pkcs12 -export -legacy -out test-server.p12 -in test-server.crt -inkey test-server.key
openssl pkcs12 -export -legacy -out test-ca.p12 -in test-ca.crt -inkey test-ca.key
Use password
when prompted by openssl
for the export password.