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Spring Boot 1.3 Configuration Changelog
Configuration properties change between 1.2.7.RELEASE
and 1.3.0.RELEASE
Key |
Replacement |
Reason |
Key |
Default value |
Description |
Enable the endpoint. |
Endpoint URL path. |
Mark if the endpoint exposes sensitive information. |
Set whether credentials are supported. |
Comma-separated list of headers to allow in a request. '*' allows all headers. |
Comma-separated list of methods to allow. '*' allows all methods. |
Comma-separated list of origins to allow. '*' allows all origins. |
Comma-separated list of headers to include in a response. |
How long, in seconds, the response from a pre-flight request can be cached by clients. |
Enable the curie generation. |
Enable the endpoint. |
Mark if the endpoint exposes sensitive information. |
Enable the endpoint. |
Endpoint identifier. |
Mark if the endpoint exposes sensitive information. |
Enable the endpoint. |
Endpoint identifier. |
Mark if the endpoint exposes sensitive information. |
Enable the endpoint. |
Endpoint URL path. |
Mark if the endpoint exposes sensitive information. |
Default endpoint sensitive setting. |
Path of the error controller. |
Comma-separated list of runtime labels to use. |
Change log parameters. |
Conversion word used when logging exceptions. |
Appender pattern for output to the console. |
Appender pattern for output to the file. |
Appender pattern for log level (default %5p). |
Register a shutdown hook for the logging system when it is initialized. |
Enable default health indicators. |
Enable elasticsearch health check. |
Comma-separated index names. |
The time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from the cluster. |
Enable JMS health check. |
Enable Mail health check. |
Items to be included in the trace. |
Identifier of the resource. |
The URI of the JWT token. |
The verification key of the JWT token. |
Use the token info, can be set to false to use the user info. |
URI of the token decoding endpoint. |
The token type to send when using the userInfoUri. |
URI of the user endpoint. |
Filter order to apply if not providing an explicit WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter (in which case the order can be provided there instead). |
Path to the login page, i.e. the one that triggers the redirect to the OAuth2 Authorization Server. |
Display name of the application. |
When to include a "stacktrace" attribute. |
Path of the error controller. |
Enable the default error page displayed in browsers in case of a server error. |
Comment for the session cookie. |
Domain for the session cookie. |
"HttpOnly" flag for the session cookie. |
Maximum age of the session cookie in seconds. |
Session cookie name. |
Path of the session cookie. |
"Secure" flag for the session cookie. |
Persist session data between restarts. |
Directory used to store session data. |
Session timeout in seconds. |
Session tracking modes (one or more of the following: "cookie", "url", "ssl"). |
Directory in which log files are created. |
Enable access log. |
Format pattern for access logs. |
Log file name prefix. |
Log file name suffix. |
Undertow access log directory. |
Enable access log. |
Format pattern for access logs. |
If X-Forwarded-* headers should be applied to the HttpRequest. |
Number of milliseconds after user will be prompted to login again. |
Number of milliseconds after which unused connections are closed. |
Enable admin features for the application. |
JMX name of the application admin MBean. |
Cluster password. |
Journal file directory. |
Enable embedded mode if the Artemis server APIs are available. |
Enable persistent store. |
`` |
Comma-separated list of queues to create on startup. |
Server id. |
`` |
Comma-separated list of topics to create on startup. |
Artemis broker host. |
Artemis deployment mode, auto-detected by default. |
Artemis broker port. |
Auto-configuration classes to exclude. |
Table prefix for all the batch meta-data tables. |
Skip search of BeanInfo classes. |
Comma-separated list of cache names to create if supported by the underlying cache manager. |
The location of the configuration file to use to initialize EhCache. |
The spec to use to create caches. |
The location of the configuration file to use to initialize Hazelcast. |
The location of the configuration file to use to initialize Infinispan. |
The location of the configuration file to use to initialize the cache manager. |
Fully qualified name of the CachingProvider implementation to use to retrieve the JSR-107 compliant cache manager. |
Cache type, auto-detected according to the environment by default. |
Name of the Cassandra cluster. |
Compression supported by the Cassandra binary protocol. |
Socket option: connection time out. |
Queries consistency level. |
Comma-separated list of cluster node addresses. |
Queries default fetch size. |
Keyspace name to use. |
Class name of the load balancing policy. |
Login password of the server. |
Port of the Cassandra server. |
Socket option: read time out. |
Reconnection policy class. |
Class name of the retry policy. |
Queries serial consistency level. |
Enable SSL support. |
Login user of the server. |
Fully qualified name of the FieldNamingStrategy to use. |
Base path to be used by Spring Data REST to expose repository resources. |
Enable enum value translation via the Spring Data REST default resource bundle. |
Fully qualified name of the connection pool implementation to use. |
Enable a livereload.com compatible server. |
Server port. |
Context path used to handle the remote connection. |
Enable remote debug support. |
Local remote debug server port. |
The host of the proxy to use to connect to the remote application. |
The port of the proxy to use to connect to the remote application. |
Enable remote restart. |
A shared secret required to establish a connection (required to enable remote support). |
HTTP header used to transfer the shared secret. |
Additional patterns that should be excluded from triggering a full restart. |
Additional paths to watch for changes. |
Enable automatic restart. |
Patterns that should be excluded from triggering a full restart. |
Amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait between polling for classpath changes. |
Amount of quiet time (in milliseconds) required without any classpath changes before a restart is triggered. |
Name of a specific file that when changed will trigger the restart check. |
Prefer file system access for template loading. |
Set whether HttpServletRequest attributes are allowed to override (hide) controller generated model attributes of the same name. |
Set whether HttpSession attributes are allowed to override (hide) controller generated model attributes of the same name. |
Set whether all request attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template. |
Set whether all HttpSession attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template. |
Set whether to expose a RequestContext for use by Spring’s macro library, under the name "springMacroRequestContext". |
Name of the RequestContext attribute for all views. |
Template path. |
Enable the console. |
Path at which the console will be available. |
Specify if application/hal+json responses should be sent to requests that accept application/json. |
The location of the configuration file to use to initialize Hazelcast. |
Locale used for formatting. |
Controls the inclusion of properties during serialization. |
Time zone used when formatting dates. |
Path that serves as the base URI for the application. |
Acknowledge mode of the container. |
Start the container automatically on startup. |
Minimum number of concurrent consumers. |
Maximum number of concurrent consumers. |
JMX domain name. |
MBeanServer bean name. |
SQLDialect JOOQ used when communicating with the configured datasource, for instance "POSTGRES". |
Session JNDI name. |
Protocol used by the SMTP server. |
Test that the mail server is available on startup. |
Mode used to display the banner when the application runs. |
Set whether to fall back to the system Locale if no files for a specific Locale have been found. if this is turned off, the only fallback will be the default file (e.g. |
`` |
Pattern that tells the aggregator what to do with the keys from the source repository. |
`` |
Prefix for global repository if active. |
Delay in milliseconds between export ticks. |
Flag to enable metric export (assuming a MetricWriter is available). |
List of patterns for metric names to exclude. |
List of patterns for metric names to include. |
Key for redis repository export (if active). |
Prefix for redis repository if active. |
Flag to switch off any available optimizations based on not exporting unchanged metric values. |
Host of a statsd server to receive exported metrics. |
Port of a statsd server to receive exported metrics. |
Prefix for statsd exported metrics. |
Specific trigger properties per MetricWriter bean name. |
Enable support for fallback resolution. |
Comma-separated list of features to enable. |
Version of Mongo to use. |
Amount of time (in milliseconds) before asynchronous request handling times out. |
Dispatch OPTIONS requests to the FrameworkServlet doService method. |
Dispatch TRACE requests to the FrameworkServlet doService method. |
Enable resolution of favicon.ico. |
Maps file extensions to media types for content negotiation, e.g. yml→text/yaml. |
Path pattern used for static resources. |
If a "NoHandlerFoundException" should be thrown if no Handler was found to process a request. |
Spring MVC view prefix. |
Spring MVC view suffix. |
Fail if ApplicationPidFileWriter is used but it cannot write the PID file. |
Location of the PID file to write (if ApplicationPidFileWriter is used). |
Acknowledge mode of container. |
Start the container automatically on startup. |
Minimum number of consumers. |
Maximum number of consumers. |
Number of messages to be handled in a single request. |
Number of messages to be processed in a transaction. |
Requested heartbeat timeout, in seconds; zero for none. |
Enable SSL support. |
Path to the key store that holds the SSL certificate. |
Password used to access the key store. |
Trust store that holds SSL certificates. |
Password used to access the trust store. |
Connection timeout in milliseconds. |
Enable caching in the Resource chain. |
Enable the Spring Resource Handling chain. |
Enable HTML5 application cache manifest rewriting. |
Enable the content Version Strategy. |
Comma-separated list of patterns to apply to the Version Strategy. |
Enable the fixed Version Strategy. |
Comma-separated list of patterns to apply to the Version Strategy. |
Version string to use for the Version Strategy. |
Locations of static resources. |
SendGrid password. |
SendGrid proxy host. |
SendGrid proxy port. |
SendGrid username. |
Order of the template resolver in the chain. |
Key |
Default value |
Description |
Enable json pretty print. |
Enable key sorting. |
Comma-separated list of MIME types for which compression is used. |
Controls response compression. |
Specify if HATEOAS support should be applied to the primary ObjectMapper. |
Size of the output buffer in bytes. |
Level used for deflate compression (0-9). |
noWrap setting for deflate compression. |
Enable gzip filter support. |
Comma-separated list of regular expression patterns to control user agents excluded from compression. |
Comma-separated list of regular expression patterns to control the paths that are excluded from compression. |
Comma-separated list of paths to exclude from compression. |
Comma-separated list of user agents to exclude from compression. |
Comma-separated list of MIME types to exclude from compression. |
Comma-separated list of HTTP methods for which compression is enabled. |
Comma-separated list of MIME types which should be compressed. |
Minimum content length required for compression to occur. |
Vary header sent on responses that may be compressed. |