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Spring Boot 2.7 Release Notes

Andy Wilkinson edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 37 revisions

Spring Boot 2.7 Release Notes

Upgrading from Spring Boot 2.6

@SpringBootTest Property Source Precendence

Test property sources added by @SpringBootTest using either the properties attribute or the @TestPropertySource annotation are now added above the command line property source. If you are in the unlikely situation of having a @SpringBootTest that uses both properties and args (and with the same property name), you may need to change things around.

New Flyway Modules

Spring Boot 2.7 upgrades to Flyway 8.5 (from 8.0). Since the 8.0 release, Flyway’s support for a number of databases has been extracted into new modules:

  • flyway-firebird (Firebird)

  • flyway-mysql (MariaDB and MySQL)

  • flyway-sqlserver (SQL Server)

If you are using Flyway to manage the schema of one of the above databases, add a dependency on the appropriate new module.

H2 2.1

Spring Boot 2.7 has upgraded to H2 2.1.120. H2 2.x is backwards incompatible and fixes a number of security vulnerabilities. See the H2 changelog and migration guide for details of the changes and how to handle the upgrade.


There is no open source version of jOOQ that is compatible with both Java 8 and H2 2.x. If you are using Java 11, consider using the jooq.version property to upgrade to jOOQ 3.16 or later. If you are using Java 8 and cannot upgrade, consider purchasing jOOQ Professional Edition, migrating from H2 to another database or, as a last resort, downgrading to H2 1.4.x.

Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Drive 10

Spring Boot 2.7 has upgrade the MSSQL driver from v9 to v10. The updated driver now enables encryption by default which may break existing applications. You can read about the change in the "Breaking Changes" section of this article.

The recommended advice is to either install a trusted certificate on your server or update your JDBC connection URL to include encrypt=false.

OkHttp 4

As OkHttp 3 is no longer being maintained, Spring Boot 2.7 has upgraded to OkHTTP 4. As part of this upgrade, the property used to control OkHttp’s version has changed from okhttp3.version to okhttp.version.

OkHttp 4 is intended to be backwards compatible with OkHttp 3. If this is not the case in your application or wish to continue using OkHttp 3 for another reason, configure the okttp.version property in your build.

Separate Dependency Management for netty-tcnative Removed

Separate dependency management for netty-tcnative has been removed in favor of the dependency management provided by Netty’s bom. This ensures that the version of netty-tcnative will align with the version that Netty uses by default. As a result of this change, the netty-tcnative.version property can no longer be used to override the version of netty-tcnative. The version can still be overridden by providing your own dependency management but it is recommended that it remains aligned with Netty’s default version.

spring.mongodb.embedded.features Configuration Property Removed

Embedded Mongo 3.4 has dropped support for configuring Mongo features. Reflecting this, the spring.mongodb.embedded.features configuration property has been removed. For advanced configuration where features were being specified to alter the command line used to launch Mongo, a custom MongodConfig bean should be provided instead.

Servlet-specific Mustache Properties

The following Mustache-related properties that are Servlet-specific have been deprecated:

  • spring.mustache.allow-request-override

  • spring.mustache.allow-session-override

  • spring.mustache.cache

  • spring.mustache.content-type

  • spring.mustache.expose-request-attributes

  • spring.mustache.expose-session-attributes

  • spring.mustache.expose-spring-macro-helpers

The following replacements have been introduced:

  • spring.mustache.servlet.allow-request-override

  • spring.mustache.servlet.allow-session-override

  • spring.mustache.servlet.cache

  • spring.mustache.servlet.content-type

  • spring.mustache.servlet.expose-request-attributes

  • spring.mustache.servlet.expose-session-attributes

  • spring.mustache.servlet.expose-spring-macro-helpers

Default Indices Options on Auto-configured ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate

The default indices options on the auto-configured ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate have changed to align them with Spring Data Elasticsearch. Previously, the defaults were strictExpandOpenAndForbidClosed. They are now strictExpandOpenAndForbidClosedIgnoreThrottled. To restore the old indices options, define your own reactiveElasticsearchTemplate bean:

ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate reactiveElasticsearchTemplate(ReactiveElasticsearchClient client,
        ElasticsearchConverter converter) {
    ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate template = new ReactiveElasticsearchTemplate(client, converter);
    return template;

MongoDB Property Precedence

Previously, if was configured alongside any of the equivalent separate properties such as and an exception would be thrown. The uri property now takes precedence over any of the separate properties – they’re ignored when is set. This aligns the behavior with other similar properties such as spring.redis.url.

Running Your Application in the Maven Process

The spring-boot:run and spring-boot:start goals of the Maven Plugin run your application in a forked processed by default. It is possible to disable this behavior using the fork attribute of the plugin. This attribute is now deprecated with no replacement.

Ordered Exit Code Generators

ExitCodeGenerators are now ordered based on their Ordered implementation and @Order annotation. The first non-zero exit code that is generated is used.

Metric Tag Keys Renamed

Metric tag keys that were in camelCase have been renamed to comply with Micrometer’s recommendation to use all lower-case and a . separator. The following metrics and tag keys are affected:

Metric Old Tag Key New Tag Key












If you need to restore the previous names, define a MeterFilter bean that implements the map(Id) method to modify the tag keys.

Support for Elasticsearch’s RestHighLevelClient is Deprecated

Elasticsearch has deprecated its RestHighLevelClient. In alignment with this, Spring Boot’s auto-configuration for RestHighLevelClient has been deprecated. Where possible, the auto-configured low-level RestClient should be used instead. Alternatively, consider manually configuring the new client.

R2DBC Driver Changes

In the Borca release, the group ID of r2dbc-postgresql, the driver for PostgreSQL, has changed from io.r2dbc to org.postgresql. r2dbc-mysql, the driver for MySQL, as been removed. Consider using r2dbc-mariadb as a replacement.

Migrating From WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to SecurityFilterChain

Spring Boot 2.7 upgrades to Spring Security 5.7 which has deprecated WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. When configuring Spring Security without WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter and using Spring Boot’s sliced tests such as @WebMvcTest, you may need to make some changes to your application to make your SecurityFilterChain beans available to your tests by @Import ing your security configuration class. See the reference documentation for further details.

Building Jars With Maven Shade Plugin and Gradle Shadow Plugin

Spring Boot 2.7 has changed the way that auto-configuration and management context classes are discovered. They are now declared in files named META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports and META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.actuate.autoconfigure.web.ManagementContextConfiguration.imports respectively.

Configuration of Maven Shade Plugin

If you are using the maven-shade-plugin and are not depending on spring-boot-starter-parent, add the following AppendingTransformer configuration:

<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">

Configuration of Gradle Shadow Plugin

Add the following configuration to append the .imports files:

tasks.withType(ShadowJar).configureEach {


Dependency management for org.jvnet.mimepull:mimepull has been removed. If you have declared a dependency on mimepull, add a version that meets your needs to that declaration.

Support for Hazelcast 3.0 is Deprecated

Hazelcast 3 support is deprecated. If you still need to downgrade to Hazelcast 3, hazelcast-client should be added to the classpath to configure a client.

Spring MVC’s requestMappingHandlerMapping is No Longer Primary

Since Spring Framework 5.1, Spring MVC has supported multiple RequestMappingHandlerMapping beans. To align with this, Spring Boot 2.7 no longer defines MVC’s main requestMappingHandlerMapping bean as @Primary. In the unlikely event that you were injecting RequestMappingHandlerMapping, if there are multiple such beans in the context you will now need to use @Qualifier to select the candidate that you wish to be injected. Alternatively, all candidates can be injected using List<RequestMappingHandlerMapping>.

Deprecations from Spring Boot 2.5

Classes, methods and properties that were deprecated in Spring Boot 2.5 have been removed in this release. Please ensure that you aren’t calling deprecated methods before upgrading.

Minimum Requirements Changes


New and Noteworthy

Check the configuration changelog for a complete overview of the changes in configuration.

New Spring GraphQL starter

Spring Boot 2.7 ships support for the Spring GraphQL project with a new spring-boot-starter-graphql starter. You’ll find more information in the GraphQL section of the Spring Boot reference documentation.

Support for RabbitStreamTemplate

A RabbitStreamTemplate is auto-configured if a stream name is set using the property. A RabbitStreamTemplateConfigurer is provided, similar to RabbitTemplateConfigurer to customize additional instances whilst retaining auto-configuration.

Hazelcast @SpringAware Support

The auto-configured Hazelcast embedded server now uses SpringManagerContext by default. This makes it possible to inject Spring managed beans into objects instantiated by Hazelcast. A HazelcastConfigCustomizer callback interface has also been introduced and can be used to further tune the Hazelcast server config.

Operating System Information in Info endpoint

An OsInfoContributor can expose some information about the Operating System the application is running on:

  "os": {
    "name": "Linux",
    "version": "5.4.0-1051-gke",
    "arch": "amd64"

This new contributor is disabled by default. It can be enabled using the property.

Java Vendor Information in Info endpoint

The existing JavaInfoContributor has been improved to offer a dedicated section for the vendor information, including the vendor-specific version. Rather than a top-level vendor simple attribute, it is now a dedicated object with name and version attributes:

  "java": {
    "vendor": {
       "name": "Eclipse Adoptium",
        "version": "Temurin-17.0.1+12"

Note that not all vendors expose a java.vendor.version system property so the version attribute may be null.

Accessing the Authenticated Principal in RSocket Handler Methods

An RSocket handler method can now inject the @Authenticated Principal:

@MessageMapping ("test") 
Mono<String> hello (@Authenticated Principal p){ 
    return Mono.just ("Hello, "  + p.getName()) ;

Opaque Token Introspection Without the OIDC SDK

If you are using opaque token introspection in your OAuth2 resource server, the auto-configured introspector no longer requires a dependency on com.nimbusds:oauth2-oidc-sdk. Depending on other usages of the SDK, you may be able to remove the dependency from your application.


A new @DataCouchbaseTest annotation for testing applications that use Spring Data Couchbase has been introduced. See the updated reference documentation for details.


A new @DataElasticsearchTest annotation for testing applications that use Spring Data Elasticsearch has been introduced. See the updated reference documentation for details.

Auto-configuration for SAML2 logout

If you use Spring Security’s SAML2 support, you can configure RP-initiated or AP-initiated logout via configuration properties. See the updated reference documentation for details.

Changes to Auto-configuration

Auto-configuration Registration

If you have created your own auto-configurations, you should move the registration from spring.factories under the org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration key to a new file named META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports. Rather than a single comma-separate list, each line contains the fully qualified name of an auto-configuration class. See the included auto-configurations for an example.

For backwards compatibility, entries in spring.factories will still be honored.

New @AutoConfiguration Annotation

A new @AutoConfiguration annotation has been introduced. It should be used to annotate top-level auto-configuration classes that are listed in the new META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports file, replacing @Configuration. Configuration classes that are nested within or imported by an @AutoConfiguration class should continue to use @Configuration as before.

For your convenience, @AutoConfiguration also supports auto-configuration ordering via the after, afterNames, before and beforeNames attributes. This can be used as a replacement for @AutoConfigureAfter and @AutoConfigureBefore.

Test Slice Configuration

If you have created your own test-slices, you should move the registration from spring.factories to the new place under META-INF/spring/<name of your test slice annotation>.imports. The format is the same as the new file described in the "Auto-configuration Registration" section, see above.

FailureAnalyzer Injection

FailureAnalyzer implementations can now get access to the BeanFactory and Environment of the current application context by providing a constructor that takes one or both of these values as a parameter. Support for injecting the BeanFactory by implementing BeanFactoryAware and injecting the Environment by implementing EnvironmentAware in a FailureAnalyzer is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Redis Sentinel Username Support

Support for specifying a username for authenticating to Sentinel(s) has been added using the spring.redis.sentinel.username property.

Overriding Built-in Sanitization

SanitizingFunction beans are now called in order, stopping once a function has changed the value of the SanitizableData. If no SanitizingFunction bean sanitizes the value, the built-in key-based sanitization is performed. Functions are ordered through their @Order annotations or their Ordered implementation.

Docker Image Building

Podman Support

The Maven and Gradle plugins now support using the Podman container engine as an alternative to Docker Engine when building images using Cloud Native Buildpacks.

See the updated Gradle and Maven reference documentation for more details.

Cache2k Support

Dependency management and auto-configuration for Cache2k has been added. Default cache settings can be customized by defining a Cache2kBuilderCustomizer bean.

Simplified Registration of Jackson Mixins

Auto-configuration for Jackson will now scan your application’s packages for classes annotated with @JsonMixin. Any class that are found are automatically registered as mixins with the auto-configured ObjectMapper.

Web Server SSL Configuration Using PEM-encoded Certificates

Embedded web servers can be configured to use SSL with PEM-encoded certificate and private key files using the properties server.ssl.certificate and server.ssl.certificate-private-key, as well as the optional and Management endpoints can be secured using similar management.server.ssl.* properties. See the documentation for an example. This is provided as an alternative to configuring SSL with Java KeyStore files.

Dependency Upgrades

Spring Boot 2.7 moves to new versions of several Spring projects:

Numerous third-party dependencies have also been updated, some of the more noteworthy of which are the following:


Apart from the changes listed above, there have also been lots of minor tweaks and improvements including:

  • Kafka idlePartitionEventInterval can be configured using the spring.kafka.listener.idle-partition-event-interval property.

  • KafkaTemplate transactionIdPrefix property can be configured using the spring.kafka.template.transaction-id-prefix property.

  • Netty maxKeepAliveRequests can be configured using the server.netty.max-keep-alive-requests property.

  • @DataJdbcTest automatically scans for AbstractJdbcConfiguration beans.

  • A UserDetailsService bean is no longer auto-configured when SAML 2.0 Login is being used.

  • The transaction isolation level of Spring Batch can be configured using the spring.batch.jdbc.isolation-level-for-create property.

  • The filter used to record Spring MVC metrics can now be replaced by defining your own FilterRegistrationBean<WebMvcMetricsFilter> bean.

  • The ID of DatabaseDriver.MARIADB has changed from mysql to mariadb

  • The InputStream returned by RandomAccessDataFile in spring-boot-loader now implements available().

  • Spring Kafka’s immediateStop is configurable using the spring.kafka.listener.immediate-stop property.

  • A new property,, can be used to configure the media types supported by a reactive Mustache view.

  • Elasticsearch RestClientBuilder and RestClient beans are now auto-configured when elasticsearch-rest-client is on the classpath. If elasticsearch-rest-high-level-client is on the classpath, a RestHighLevelClient bean will still be auto-configured as before, but note that support for RestHighLevelClient is now deprecated.

Deprecations in Spring Boot 2.7

  • Loading auto-configurations from spring.factories is deprecated. See above for more details.

  • DatabaseDriver.GAE

  • Properties under{id}.identityprovider have been moved to{id}.assertingparty. Using the old property names result in log messages on WARN level on startup.

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