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Spring Boot 3.2 Release Notes

Phil Webb edited this page Nov 25, 2023 · 32 revisions

Upgrading from Spring Boot 3.1

Parameter Name Discovery

The version of Spring Framework used by Spring Boot 3.2 no longer attempts to deduce parameter names by parsing bytecode. If you experience issues with dependency injection or property binding, you should double check that you are compiling with the -parameters option. See this section of the "Upgrading to Spring Framework 6.x" wiki for more details.

Logged Application Name

The default log output now includes your application name whenever you have a property set. If you prefer the previous format, you can set logging.include-application-name to false.

Auto-configured User Details Service

The auto-configured InMemoryUserDetailsManager now backs off when one or more of spring-security-oauth2-client, spring-security-oauth2-resource-server, and spring-security-saml2-service-provider is on the classpath. Similarly, in reactive applications, the auto-configured MapReactiveUserDetailsService now backs off when one or more of spring-security-oauth2-client and spring-security-oauth2-resource-server is one the classpath.

If you are using one of the above dependencies yet still require an InMemoryUserDetailsManager or MapReactiveUserDetailsService in your application, define the required bean in your application.

OTLP Tracing Endpoint

The default value of management.otlp.tracing.endpoint has been removed. The OtlpHttpSpanExporter bean is now only auto-configured if management.otlp.tracing.endpoint has a value. To restore the old behavior, set management.otlp.tracing.endpoint=http://localhost:4318/v1/traces.

H2 Version 2.2

Spring Boot now uses version 2.2 of H2 by default. To continue using a database from earlier version of H2 it may be necessary to perform a data migration. Before upgrading, export the database using the SCRIPT command. Create an empty database with the new version of H2 and then import the data using the RUNSCRIPT command.

Oracle UCP DataSource

The Oracle UCP DataSource no longer sets validateConnectionOnBorrow to true by default. If you need to restore the old behavior you can set the spring.datasource.oracleucp.validate-connection-on-borrow application property to true.

Jetty 12

Spring Boot now supports Jetty 12. Jetty 12 supports the Servlet 6.0 API, aligning it with both Tomcat and Undertow. Previously, if you were using Jetty with Spring Boot 3.x, the Servlet API had to be downgraded to 5.0. This is no longer necessary. Remove any override of the Servlet API version when upgrading.

Kotlin 1.9.0 and Gradle

There’s a bug in 1.9.0 of the Kotlin Gradle Plugin that causes additional resource directories to be lost. This breaks native image compilation as resources generated by AOT processing are not included in the native image’s classpath. To work around the problem, apply Kotlin’s Gradle plugin first.

Nested Jar Support

The underlying code that supports Spring Boot’s "Uber Jar" loading has been rewritten now that we no longer need to support Java 8. The updated code makes use of a new URL format which is more compliant with JDK expectations. The previous URL format of jar:file:/dir/myjar.jar:BOOT-INF/lib/nested.jar!/com/example/MyClass.class has been replaced with jar:nested:/dir/myjar.jar/!BOOT-INF/lib/nested.jar!/com/example/MyClass.class. The updated code also makes use of java.lang.ref.Cleaner (which was part of JDK 9) for resource management.

We have made every effort to ensure that, as much as possible, the new code is a transparent replacement for the previous implementation. We do not anticipate that most users will even notice the change. One area where you may notice a change is if you were referring to one of the launcher classes directly as they have new names in the new default launcher:

New Classic







If you do find issues with the new implementation, however, we have provided a fallback option that will allow you to use the old code.

For Gradle users you can set the bootJar.loaderImplementation to For example:

bootJar {
  loaderImplementation =

For Maven users, you can set the <loaderImplementation> tag on the spring-boot-plugin configuration to CLASSIC. For example:


If you find any unexpected behavior with the new implementation, please raise a GitHub issue.

Deprecations from Spring Boot 3.0

Classes, methods, and properties that were deprecated in Spring Boot 3.0 have been removed in this release. Please ensure that you aren’t calling deprecated methods before upgrading.

Minimum Requirements Changes


New and Noteworthy

Check the configuration changelog for a complete overview of the changes in configuration.

Spring for Apache Pulsar Support

Spring Boot now includes auto-configuration support and starter POMs for the Spring for Apache Pulsar project. See the updated reference documentation for full details.

Logging Correlation IDs

Spring Boot will now automatically log correlation ID whenever you are using Micrometer tracing. See the updated documenation for details.

RestClient Support

Spring Boot 3.2 includes support for the new RestClient interface which has been introduced in Spring Framework 6.1. This interface provides a functional style blocking HTTP API with a similar to design to WebClient.

Existing and new application might want to consider using RestClient as an alternative to RestTemplate.

RestTemplate HTTP Clients

When Jetty’s HttpClient is on the classpath, Spring Boot’s HTTP client auto-detection will now configure RestTemplateBuilder to use the new JettyClientHttpRequestFactory that was introduced in Spring Framework 6.1.

Support for JdkClientHttpRequestFactory has been added to ClientHttpRequestFactories. Unlike JettyClientHttpRequestFactory it has not been added to the auto-detection. To use JdkClientHttpRequestFactory you must opt in:

RestTemplateBuilder restTemplateBuilder(RestTemplateBuilderConfigurer configurer) {
    return configurer.configure(new RestTemplateBuilder())
                (settings) -> ClientHttpRequestFactories.get(JdkClientHttpRequestFactory.class, settings));

Support for JdbcClient

Auto-configuration for JdbcClient has been added, based on the presence of a NamedParameterJdbcTemplate. If the latter is auto-configured, properties of spring.jdbc.template.* are taken into account.

Support for Virtual Threads

Spring Boot 3.2 ships support for virtual threads. To use virtual threads, you need to run on Java 21 and set the property spring.threads.virtual.enabled to true.

Servlet Web Servers

When virtual threads are enabled, Tomcat and Jetty will use virtual threads for request processing. This means that your application code that is handling a web request, such as a method in a controller, will run on a virtual thread.

Blocking Execution with Spring WebFlux

Spring WebFlux’s support for block execution is auto-configured to use the applicationTaskExecutor bean when it is an AsyncTaskExecutor. The applicationTaskExecutor is an AsyncTaskExecutor both by default and when virtual threads are enabled.

Task Execution

When virtual threads are enabled, the applicationTaskExecutor bean will be a SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor configured to use virtual threads. Anywhere that uses the application task executor, such as @EnableAsync when calling @Async methods, Spring MVC’s asynchronous request processing, and Spring WebFlux’s blocking execution support will now utilize virtual threads. As before, any TaskDecorator bean is applied to the auto-configured executor and the spring.task.execution.thread-name-prefix property is applied. Other spring.task.execution.* properties are ignored as they are specific to a pool-based executor.

A SimpleAsyncTaskExecutorBuilder is now available in the application context and can be used to build a SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor. SimpleAsyncTaskExecutorCustomizer beans can be used to customize the built SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor. If virtual threads are enabled, the builder is auto-configured to use them.

Task Scheduling

When virtual threads are enabled, the taskScheduler bean will be a SimpleAsyncTaskScheduler configured to use virtual threads. The spring.task.scheduling.thread-name-prefix property and spring.task.scheduling.simple. properties are applied. Other spring.task.scheduling. properties are ignored as they are specific to a pool-based scheduler.

A SimpleAsyncTaskSchedulerBuilder is now available in the application context and can be used to build SimpleAsyncTaskScheduler. SimpleAsyncTaskSchedulerCustomizer beans can be used to customize the built SimpleAsyncTaskScheduler. If virtual threads are enabled, the builder is auto-configured to use them.

Keeping the JVM Alive

There’s a new property called spring.main.keep-alive. When set to true, the JVM is kept alive, even if all other threads are virtual (or daemon) threads.

Technology Specific Integrations

When virtual threads are enabled, the following technology specific integrations apply:

  • A virtual thread executor is auto-configured for the RabbitMQ listener.

  • A virtual thread executor is auto-configured for the Kafka listener.

  • The Spring Data Redis' ClusterCommandExecutor will use virtual threads.

  • Spring for Apache Pulsar will use a VirtualThreadTaskExector for the auto-configured ConcurrentPulsarListenerContainerFactory and DefaultPulsarReaderContainerFactory.

Initial support for JVM Checkpoint Restore

Spring Boot 3.2 ships initial support for JVM Checkpoint Restore (Project CRaC). See the related documentation for more details.

SSL Bundle Reloading

SSL bundles can now be automatically reloaded when the trust material changes. A bundle must opt in to this functionality by settings its reload-on-update property to true. The consumer of the bundle must also support reloading.

Consumers that support reloading are:

  • Netty web server

  • Tomcat web server

More information about reloading of SSL bundles can be found in the reference documentation.

Observability Improvements

You can now use Micrometer’s @Timed, @Counted, @NewSpan, @ContinueSpan and @Observed annotations. The aspects for them are now auto-configured if you have AspectJ on the classpath.

Micrometer Tracing’s ObservationHandler beans are automatically registered on the ObservationConfig. Before Spring Boot 3.2.0, uncategorized handlers have been registered before the categorized ones. This has been flipped, categorized handlers are now registered before the uncategorized ones. See #34399 for details.

The default format for B3 trace propagation has been changed from single-no-parent to single.

@Scheduled methods are now instrumented for observability.

Observability for R2DBC has been added. To enable it, include the io.r2dbc:r2dbc-proxy dependency in your project.


There’s a new configuration property named spring.reactor.context-propagation, which controls the context propagation in reactive pipelines. To automatically propagate observations, trace ids and span ids in your reactive pipelines, set the property to auto.

Observations starting with a prefix can now be disabled via properties. For example, to prevent Spring Security from reporting observations, set

The property management.observations.key-values.* can be used to automatically apply low-cardinality key-values to all observations. For example setting management.observations.key-values.region=us-west will add the key region with the value us-west to all observations.


If an OpenTelemetry MeterProvider bean is found, it is automatically registered on the BatchSpanProcessor.

The auto-configuration for OpenTelemetry has been improved. If there’s a bean of type SdkLoggerProvider or SdkMeterProvider in the context, it will automatically get registered on the OpenTelemetry bean. Additionally, OpenTelemetry’s Resource is now exposed as a bean, and there’s a new configuration property management.opentelemetry.resource-attributes which configures the resource attributes.

If you’re using OpenTelemetry and you want more control over the applied SpanProcessor, you can now define a bean of type SpanProcessors. By default, all available SpanProcessor beans are applied. The same works with OpenTelemetry’s SpanExporter, use a SpanExporters bean to override the default. By default it applies all available SpanExporter beans.

Broader Exemplar Support in Micrometer 1.12

Micrometer 1.12 includes a feature to broaden the exemplar support that requires Prometheus 2.43 or later. If you’re using a Prometheus version older than 2.43.0 and you’re using Micrometer Tracing, please upgrade to Prometheus >= 2.43.0, otherwise metrics won’t show up anymore.

Observability in Tests

Before Spring Boot 3.2 the whole Micrometer Tracing, Brave and OpenTelemetry infrastructure has been disabled when running integration tests. This has been reworked: only the minimum number of beans are disabled so that no spans are sent to backends (see #35354 for the list of beans which will be disabled). If you have custom Brave SpanHandler or OpenTelemetry SpanExporter beans, please make sure to annotate them with @ConditionalOnEnabledTracing so that they won’t be created when running integration tests with observability switched off.

In case you want to run your integration tests with observability enabled, you can use the @AutoConfigureObservability annotation on the test class.

Docker Image Building

Default CNB Builders Upgraded

The default CNB builders used when building images with the Maven and Gradle plugin have changed. When the GraalVM plugin is applied to the build, the new default builder is paketobuildpacks:builder-jammy-tiny. Otherwise, the new default builder is paketobuildpacks:builder-jammy-base. See the Paketo documentation for more information on these builders.

The previous default builders included a run image based on Ubuntu 18.04, and the new defaults include a run image based on Ubuntu 22.04. This means that any images built with the new defaults will be based on Ubuntu 22.04.

Docker Host Configuration

The spring-boot:build-image Maven goal and bootBuildImage Gradle task now use Docker CLI configuration files to determine the host address and other connection details for the Docker daemon that should be used by default. See the Gradle and Maven plugin documentation for more information.

Bind Mounts for Caches

The build and launch caches used by CNB builders and buildpacks can now be configured to use bind mounts instead of named volumes. This feature has been requested by users of BitBucket CI, which do not allow volumes to be accessed from CI pipelines. See the Maven and Gradle documentation for more information and examples.

Build Workspace Configuration

The temporary build workspace used by CNB builders and buildpacks can now be configured to use a bind mount or a custom named volumes. See the Maven and Gradle documentation for more information and examples.

Security Options Configuration

Security options that are applied to the CNB builder container can now be customized to support Docker environments that do now allow the default Linux security option label=disable to be used. See the Maven and Gradle documentation for more information.

Spring for GraphQL’s Callable Support

Spring for GraphQL is now auto-configured to use the applicationTaskExecutor. This enables out of the box support for controller methods that return Callable.

Additional OAuth2 Token Validators

The auto-configured JwtDecoder or ReactiveJwtDecoder will now use any OAuth2TokenValidator<Jwt> beans for token validation. They are included in a DelegatingOAuth2TokenValidator that is configured as the decoder’s validator.

Service Connection Support for ActiveMQ

Support for ServiceConnection has been added for ActiveMQ, with integration for both Testcontainers and Docker Compose. The integration uses the symptoma/activemq image.

Docker Compose Support for Neo4j

Spring Boot’s Docker Compose integration now supports Neo4j. You must configure the NEO4J_AUTH environment variable in your compose YAML to disable authentication (a value of none) or to set a password for the neo4j user (a value of neo4j/your-password).

WebSocketServerSpec Configuration

The WebSocketServerSpec used by the auto-configuration can be customized using properties of the spring.rsocket.server.spec namespace.

Neo4j AuthTokenManager

If an AuthTokenManager bean is defined, it will be used for authentication with Neo4j. Such a bean takes precedence over the spring.neo4j.authentication.* properties. An AuthTokenManager bean is ignored if custom Neo4jConnectionDetails are defined, for example for a service connection to a Testcontainers or Docker Compose managed database.


SSL Bundle Support

RabbitMQ connections can now be configured to use SSL trust material from an SSL bundle with the spring.rabbitmq.ssl.bundle property. This offers an alternative to providing trust material as Java keystore files using existing spring.rabbitmq.ssl property.

Limited Message Body Size

Recent versions of the Java client for RabbitMQ limit the maximum size of the body of an inbound message to 64MB by default. For the customization of this limit, the spring.rabbitmq.max-inbound-message-body-size configuration property has been introduced.

Virtual Host Support for RabbitMQ Stream

Virtual host support for RabbitMQ Stream has been added. The virtual host for RabbitMQ Stream automatically uses the configured virtual host for RabbitMQ if not set explicitly. To use a specific virtual host for RabbitMQ Stream, set


SSL Bundle Support

Kafka connections can now be configured to use SSL trust material from an SSL bundle with the spring.kafka.ssl.bundle property. This offers an alternative to providing trust material as Java keystore files using existing spring.kafka.ssl property.

Jms Sessions

New properties have been introduced for configuring the sessions created by the auto-configured JmsTemplate:

  • spring.jms.template.session.acknowledge-mode

  • spring.jms.template.session.transacted

Similarly, a spring.jms.listener.session.transacted property has been introduced for the auto-configured JmsMessageListenerContainer.

To align with these new properties, please note that the existing spring.jms.listener.acknowledge-mode property has been deprecated and spring.jms.listener.session.acknowledge-mode has been introduced as a replacement.

Connection validation on Oracle UCP datasources

The default for connection validation on Oracle UCP datasources has been removed. Before 3.2.0-RC1 connection validation was enabled by default, this is no longer the case. If you need connection validation, set the configuration property spring.datasource.oracleucp.validate-connection-on-borrow to true.

testAndDevelopmentOnly Gradle Configuration

In addition to developmentOnly, Spring Boot’s Gradle plugin now also creates a testAndDevelopmentOnly configuration. Unlike developmentOnly, dependencies in this new configuration are included in the test compile and runtime classpaths. It is primarily intended for applications that are using Testcontainers at development time.


Apart from the changes listed above, there have also been lots of minor tweaks and improvements including:

  • The features declared in Jackson’s EnumFeature and JsonNodeFeature can now be enabled and disabled using the configuration properties spring.jackson.datatype.enum. and spring.jackson.datatype.jsonnode. respectively.

  • Additional build info properties can now have lazy values by using a Provider.

  • Transaction manager customization now applies to any type of TransactionManager, not just PlatformTransactionManager.

  • Any TransactionExecutionListener beans are now added to the auto-configured transaction manager.

  • The port information logged when an embedded WebServer starts has been improved and made more consistent.

  • The new property spring.servlet.multipart.strict-servlet-compliance sets whether multipart handling is only used for multipart/form-data requests.

  • Logging has been reduced when the handler for the welcome page receives an invalid Accept header, falling back to accepting all MIME types.

  • A RestClientBuilderConfigurer, that can be used to apply Spring Boot’s defaults to a RestClient.Builder, has been added.

  • The restTemplateBuilderConfigurer bean is no longer backing off on user-defined beans. If you had your own restTemplateBuilderConfigurer bean, please remove it.

  • A property has been added to configure the maximum amount of connections for Jetty servers.

  • A new property has been added that can be used to verify keys when using PEM SSL bundles.

  • When creating a PemSslStoreBundle programatically, a key store password can now be provided.

  • is now used for OpenTelemetry’s if no has been set explicitly.

  • A new property has been added to configure the base TimeUnit of exported metrics in OTLP registry.

  • There’s now connection details support for OTLP metrics and traces. A connection details bean is automatically created if using Testcontainers or Docker Compose with the otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib image.

  • Support for CSP authentication when using Wavefront has been added.

  • A new property, flyway.postgresql.transactional-lock can be used to configure Flyway’s use of transactional locks with PostgreSQL.

  • Added support for Kafka MessageListenerContainer changeConsumerThreadName property.

  • Auto-configure Function<MessageListenerContainer, String> bean to Kafka MessageListenerContainer’s threadNameSupplier.

  • A new @ConditionalOnThreading annotation has been introduced to help auto-configure virtual thread concerns.

  • Added support for RabbitMQ container forceStop property.

  • The WebClient based Zipkin sender now honors the timeouts set through the configuration properties. See #36264 for details.

  • When starting an application with AOT mode enabled but AOT processing hasn’t been done in the build, the error message is now more clear.

  • When using GraalVM, resource hints for and messages_*.properties are now provided automatically.

  • Dependency management for Kotlin Serialization is now provided.

  • Awaitility (org.awaitility:awaitility) is now part of spring-boot-starter-test.

  • The auto-configured JdbcClient bean is now available in tests using @JdbcTest and @DataJpaTest.

  • When auto-configuring MockMvc, filters are now registered using the dispatcher types and init parameters from their registration bean.

  • Testcontainers can now be initialized in parallel. For this, set spring.testcontainers.beans.startup to parallel.

  • Support for an spring.kafka.template.observation-enabled property to support Micrometer observations

Dependency Upgrades

Spring Boot 3.2.0 moves to new versions of the following Spring projects:

  • Spring AMQP 3.1

  • Spring Authorization Server 1.2

  • Spring Batch 5.1

  • Spring Data 2023.1

  • Spring Framework 6.1

  • Spring HATEOAS 2.2

  • Spring Integration 6.2

  • Spring Kafka 3.1

  • Spring LDAP 3.2

  • Spring Pulsar 1.0

  • Spring Retry 2.0

  • Spring Security 6.2

  • Spring Session 3.2

Third-party dependencies have also been updated, the more noteworthy of which are the following:

  • Artemis 2.29

  • Brave 5.16

  • Elasticsearch Client 8.10

  • Flyway 9.22

  • GraphQL Java 21.1

  • Hibernate 6.3

  • JUnit 5.10

  • Jedis 5.0

  • Kafka 3.6

  • Kotlin 1.9

  • Liquibase 4.24

  • Log4j 2.21

  • MariaDB 3.2

  • Micrometer 1.12

  • Micrometer Tracing 1.2

  • Mockito 5.4

  • Mongo Java Driver 4.11

  • MySQL 8.1

  • Neo4j Java Driver 5.10

  • OkHttp 4.12

  • OpenTelemetry 1.28

  • Oracle UCP 23.3

  • Rabbit AMQP Client 5.18.0

  • Rabbit Stream Client 0.11

  • Reactor 2023.0

  • Selenium 4.14

  • SnakeYAML 2.2

Deprecations in Spring Boot 3.2.0

  • OkHttp 3 Support has been deprecated in favor of OkHttp 4

  • The directories property of the spring-boot:run, spring-boot:start and spring-boot:test-run Maven goals has been deprecated in favor of additionalClasspathElements.

  • Deprecated management.metrics.tags., please use management.observations.key-values. instead.

  • Most constants defined in LoggingSystemProperties and LogbackLoggingSystemProperties have been deprecated in favor of enum values.

  • Support for enabled request buffering in ClientHttpRequestFactorySettings and RestTemplateBuilder has been deprecated. While the API remains in deprecated form, configuring it will have no effect following similar changes in Spring Framework 6.1.

  • Registering additional ApplicationContextInitializer using the context.initializer.classes environment property is deprecated in favor of registering each delegate programatically or in spring.factories.

  • Registering additional ApplicationListener using the context.listener.classes environment property is deprecated in favor of registering each delegate programatically or in spring.factories.

  • Flyway properties that are managed by an extension have moved to a dedicated namespace. As a result,* properties have moved to*. Similarly, the spring.flyway.sql-server-kerberos-login-file has moved to spring.flyway.sqlserver.kerberos-login-file.

  • Support for InfluxDB has been deprecated in favor of the new InfluxDB Java client and its own Spring Boot integration.

  • The configuration property management.otlp.metrics.export.resource-attributes has been deprecated in favor of the new management.opentelemetry.resource-attributes.

  • TaskExecutorBuilder has been deprecated in favor of ThreadPoolTaskExecutorBuilder.

  • TaskSchedulerBuilder has been deprecated in favor of ThreadPoolTaskSchedulerBuilder.

  • Configuration property spring.jms.listener.concurrency with replacement spring.jms.listener.min-concurrency.

  • Configuration property spring.jms.listener.acknowledge-mode with replacement spring.jms.listener.session.acknowledge-mode.

  • PlatformTransactionManagerCustomizer with replacement TransactionManagerCustomizer.

  • TransactionManagerCustomizers(Collection<? extends PlatformTransactionManagerCustomizer<?>>) with replacement TransactionManagerCustomizers#of(Collection<? extends TransactionManagerCustomizer<?>>).

  • DelegatingApplicationContextInitializer and DelegatingApplicationListener as property based initialization is no longer recommended.

  • Some outdated constructors in PemSslStoreBundle and the certificate accessor in PemSslStoreDetails.

  • TaskExecutorCustomizer in favor of ThreadPoolTaskExecutorCustomizer

  • TaskSchedulerBuilder in favor of ThreadPoolTaskSchedulerBuilder

  • TaskSchedulerCustomizer in favor of ThreadPoolTaskSchedulerCustomizer

  • Some outdated constructors in NettyWebServer

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